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Anarchist Café — The anarchist infocafé seeks to explore what a society free of hierarchy might look like and show the ways to realise it. To this end we offer the opportunity to present emancipatory ideas and actions, analyse past and present movements critical of authority, and thus not only scrutinize our own ideas of a non-hierarchic society but also present organisational structures and forms of action. Together with other groups we form a part of the house project NewYorck59 and work together to shape a self-organised social, cultural, and political centre in Bethanian from below.
Anarchist Café


The anarchist infocafé seeks to explore what a society free of hierarchy might look like and show the ways to realise it. To this end we offer the opportunity to present emancipatory ideas and actions, analyse past and present movements critical of authority, and thus not only scrutinize our own ideas of a non-hierarchic society but also present organisational structures and forms of action. Together with other groups we form a part of the house project NewYorck59 and work together to shape a self-organised social, cultural, and political centre in Bethanian from below.


New Yorck im Bethanien
Mariannenplatz 2a
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(metro "Görlitzer Bahnhof" (U1) or "Kottbuser Tor" (U1/U8))


We have events and vegan food regularly every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
The infocafé opens at 8:00 pm.

A-LADEN / Freie Kultur Aktion e.V.

Anarchist Infoshop (since 1987!) — Anarchist Infoshop (since 1987!)
Anarchist Infoshop (since 1987!)


Anarchist Infoshop (since 1987!)


Library, Information, Events


Brunnenstr. 7
10119 Berlin-Mitte
(U-Bahnhof Rosenthaler Platz)

Events at https://www.baiz.info/


Opening times
Thursday 18:00-22:00 (if needed, open end) and on request


Open: On Thursday: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 83108085


Club — The Abstand includes the club rooms of the Haufen e.V. Concerts and parties.


The Abstand includes the club rooms of the Haufen e.V.

Concerts and parties.


Rigaer Str. 78
10247 Berlin
(U-Bhf. Samariterstrasse)





Wheelchair access: limited


Sat, Nov 09 9:00 PM Konzert


Video-Activism — Since 1990, an approximately one-hour videocassette magazine in family-tv-format has emerged from the floods of information, bringing good news of unbelievable countercurrents, of wild, hidden eddies in the prevailing, mendacious monotony.
Prenzlauer Berg


Since 1990, an approximately one-hour videocassette magazine in family-tv-format has emerged from the floods of information, bringing good news of unbelievable countercurrents, of wild, hidden eddies in the prevailing, mendacious monotony.


DIY videos and films


Kastanienallee 77
10435 Berlin



Tel: 0157/ 72860366

Office hours: Tuesday 1-8pm


Anarchist Black Cross Berlin

Anarchist group against all prisons and other compulsory institutions — Anarchist Black Cross Berlin is an anarchist association of individuals who came together a few years ago and who are shaped by a common hatred of this capitalist society and its forms of lock-up. Our priority lies primarily in the support of anarchist and social prisoners; we tend to support all prisoners struggling against this society of exploitation and isolation who fill their struggle with emancipatory contents.
Anarchist group against all prisons and other compulsory institutions


Anarchist Black Cross Berlin is an anarchist association of individuals who came together a few years ago and who are shaped by a common hatred of this capitalist society and its forms of lock-up.
Our priority lies primarily in the support of anarchist and social prisoners; we tend to support all prisoners struggling against this society of exploitation and isolation who fill their struggle with emancipatory contents.

Anarchist Collective Glitzerkatapult

anarchist group — The anarchist collective Glitzerkatapult works on ideas for a better world. They organize events - often with Küfa, write and publish flyers, make info tables, give talks and develop workshops, collect solidarity money, and decide by consensus. They are networked with other groups. The anarchist utopia and the (anarcha-)feminist approach are relevant common denominators. They deal with various topics, including animal liberation and eco-anarchism.
anarchist group


The anarchist collective Glitzerkatapult works on ideas for a better world.
They organize events - often with Küfa, write and publish flyers, make info tables, give talks and develop workshops, collect solidarity money, and decide by consensus. They are networked with other groups.
The anarchist utopia and the (anarcha-)feminist approach are relevant common denominators. They deal with various topics, including animal liberation and eco-anarchism.


Workshops, events, info tables, texts, stickers

Anarchistisches Radio Berlin

Anarchist radio group — The A-Radio is an association of Berlin anarchists who produce radio programmes with libertarian content.
Anarchist radio group


The A-Radio is an association of Berlin anarchists who produce radio programmes with libertarian content.






email: aradio-berlin-at-riseup.net
Mastodon: -at-aradio_berlin-at-kolektiva.social
Twitter: -at-aradio_berlin

Anarcho­syndikalistische Jugend Berlin (ASJ)

Anarcosyndicalist youth group
Anarcosyndicalist youth group


Meetings and events at the Lunte: https://dielunte.de/

Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative Berlin

Anarch@-syndicalist group
Anarch@-syndicalist group


Meetings and events at the Lunte: https://dielunte.de/

Anti-Atom-Plenum (a-a-p)

Open plenum — We are a so called open plenum. That means everybody is invited to participate. We do nit only oppose nuclear power, but also other forms of large scale technologies. We also oppose patriarchy, fascism, capitalism, war ... and so on.
Open plenum


We are a so called open plenum. That means everybody is invited to participate. We do nit only oppose nuclear power, but also other forms of large scale technologies. We also oppose patriarchy, fascism, capitalism, war ... and so on.


Waldemarstr. 46
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg




Anti-Kriegs-Museum (Anti-war museum)

Museum — The first anti-war museum in Germany was founded by the anarchist Ernst Friedrich in 1925. The refounding by his non-anarchist grand-son followed in 1982.


The first anti-war museum in Germany was founded by the anarchist Ernst Friedrich in 1925. The refounding by his non-anarchist grand-son followed in 1982.


Information + exhibitions


Brüsseler Str. 21, 13351 Berlin (Wedding)



Tel: 030/45490110
Email: info-at-anti-kriegs-museum.de
Opening hours:
daily 16-20 Uhr, also on Sundays and holidays


Open: On public holidays and from Monday to Sunday: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: limited
Phone: +49 30 45490110

Antiverschwurbelte Aktion (AVA)

Lizard people for reptilosocial revolution — The Antiverschwurbelte Aktion is an autonomous group that protests with creative actions against conspiracy theorists and the cross-front of Corona deniers. In addition ;-) the AVA spreads the truth, supports affected people in leaving the conspiracy scene, and fights for the reptiloid world revolution.
Lizard people for reptilosocial revolution


The Antiverschwurbelte Aktion is an autonomous group that protests with creative actions against conspiracy theorists and the cross-front of Corona deniers. In addition ;-) the AVA spreads the truth, supports affected people in leaving the conspiracy scene, and fights for the reptiloid world revolution.

apabiz - Antifaschistisches Presse-Archiv und Bildungszentrum e.V.

Press archives and educational center — The focus of apabiz's work is on the extreme right in Germany after 1945.
Press archives and educational center


The focus of apabiz's work is on the extreme right in Germany after 1945.




Lausitzerstr. 10
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U Görlitzer Bahnhof)




art bar — For over 10 years, the legendary ARCANOA was THE cult bar in Berlin-Kreuzberg, where independent art celebrated wildly raucous parties. The uniquely designed rooms provided a dreamlike backdrop for concerts, performances, readings, film screenings, parties and the famous medieval festivals. In 1998, however, despite a great deal of support, it finally came to an end. Not far from the old ARCANOA, the new ARCANOA opened on Tempelhofer Berg. Parts of the old interior were recreated in new surroundings, such as the fascinating bar counter with the river in it and the iron structures. In addition to many new structural wonders, the new ARCANOA is fully wheelchair accessible.
art bar


For over 10 years, the legendary ARCANOA was THE cult bar in Berlin-Kreuzberg, where independent art celebrated wildly raucous parties.

The uniquely designed rooms provided a dreamlike backdrop for concerts, performances, readings, film screenings, parties and the famous medieval festivals.

In 1998, however, despite a great deal of support, it finally came to an end. Not far from the old ARCANOA, the new ARCANOA opened on Tempelhofer Berg. Parts of the old interior were recreated in new surroundings, such as the fascinating bar counter with the river in it and the iron structures. In addition to many new structural wonders, the new ARCANOA is fully wheelchair accessible.


Am Tempelhofer Berg 8
10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg





Open: On Monday and from Wednesday to Saturday: 8:00 PM – 3:00 AM.
Wheelchair access: no


Antiracist Initiative — Documenting racist structures as a contribution to anti-racist politics.
Antiracist Initiative


Documenting racist structures as a contribution to anti-racist politics.


newspaper: https://zag-berlin.de/

documentation of racism: https://www.ari-dok.org/


Antirassistische Initiative e. V.
c/o Netzwerk Selbsthilfe
Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin




ask gerd_a

anti sexist collective — We are ask gerd_a, an anti-sexist collective. It supports people in dealing with experienced sexualized violence, sexism, and violent dynamics within relationships- regardless of whether it is physical, psychological, or emotional violence. In the course of doing this, the collective strives to operate outside of definitions of violence that are dominated by major institutions or the state, because they wish to distance themselves from the often disempowering practices that go along with them.
anti sexist collective


We are ask gerd_a, an anti-sexist collective. It supports people in dealing with experienced sexualized violence, sexism, and violent dynamics within relationships- regardless of whether it is physical, psychological, or emotional violence. In the course of doing this, the collective strives to operate outside of definitions of violence that are dominated by major institutions or the state, because they wish to distance themselves from the often disempowering practices that go along with them.


workshops, support in case of sexualized violence and discrimination


Space for experimental music, performance and art — ausland is an independent venue for music, film, literature, performance and other artistic endeavours. We also offer our infrastructure for artists and projects for rehearsals, recordings, and workshops, as well as a number of residencies.
Prenzlauer Berg
Space for experimental music, performance and art


ausland is an independent venue for music, film, literature, performance and other artistic endeavours. We also offer our infrastructure for artists and projects for rehearsals, recordings, and workshops, as well as a number of residencies.




Lychener Str. 60
10437 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg


Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 4477008


Videoarchiv und -werkstatt — The Berlin autofocus video workshop produces web documentaries and documentary films for use in political education work. The association develops independent, international media projects from various subject areas and makes them available to private users, multipliers and educational institutions. autofocus supports institutions, initiatives and committed filmmakers in all questions of media work and makes an important contribution to networking.
Videoarchiv und -werkstatt


The Berlin autofocus video workshop produces web documentaries and documentary films for use in political education work. The association develops independent, international media projects from various subject areas and makes them available to private users, multipliers and educational institutions. autofocus supports institutions, initiatives and committed filmmakers in all questions of media work and makes an important contribution to networking.




Lausitzerstr. 10
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U Görlitzer Bahnhof)




Buchhandlung und Verlag — b_books is a bookstore and publishing collective. Founded in 1996 by political activists, theorists, filmmakers, and artists, it runs a bookstore, venue, and publishing house specializing in political philosophy, art and film, and queer feminist and postcolonial theory.
Buchhandlung und Verlag


b_books is a bookstore and publishing collective. Founded in 1996 by political activists, theorists, filmmakers, and artists, it runs a bookstore, venue, and publishing house specializing in political philosophy, art and film, and queer feminist and postcolonial theory.


Lübbener Str. 14
10997 Berlin
U-Bhf. Görlitzer Bahnhof





Open: From Monday to Friday: 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 6117844


Neighborhood pub — Besides the regular pub stuff, we* are keen to support political groups that are committed to overcoming the pervasive social and capitalist powers-that-be. In this spirit, we would like to offer our premises and infrastructure for solidary and informative events and all matters of solidarity.
Neighborhood pub


Besides the regular pub stuff, we* are keen to support political groups that are committed to overcoming the pervasive social and capitalist powers-that-be. In this spirit, we would like to offer our premises and infrastructure for solidary and informative events and all matters of solidarity.


food, space for workshops and events


Mareschstr. 1
12055 Berlin




Open: Mo-Su 19:00+
Wheelchair access: limited (Mobile Rampe über eine Stufe am Eingang. Alle Räume ohne Stufen. Zugang zu den Toiletten sehr eng. Linkes Klo, linke Kabine: ca. 2qm, mit Haltegriffen.)
Phone: +493062982776


Selbstverwaltetes Zentrum zum Sprachenlernen — Selbstverwaltetes Zentrum zum Sprachenlernen (10 verschiedene Sprachen)
Selbstverwaltetes Zentrum zum Sprachenlernen


Selbstverwaltetes Zentrum zum Sprachenlernen (10 verschiedene Sprachen)




Cuvrystr. 23a
10999 Berlin
2. Hinterhof im Kerngehäuse 1. Stock





Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49306116089


Kultur- und Schankwirtschaft — We have been running the BAIZ culture & pub for almost 20 years and try to combine our cultural/political offerings with affordable prices in a pleasant atmosphere.
Prenzlauer Berg
Kultur- und Schankwirtschaft


We have been running the BAIZ culture & pub for almost 20 years and try to combine our cultural/political offerings with affordable prices in a pleasant atmosphere.


Space for workshops and events


Schönhauser Allee 26 A
10435 Berlin





Wheelchair access: unlimited (Rampe vorhanden für den Eingang direkt am Eingang an der Ecke. Der reguläre Eingang ist leider zu schmal für Rollies. WC top. Gebt dem sehr netten Personal ein Hinweis, dass sie die Rampe holen sollen . Hinweis- Raucherkneipe.)
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)


Tue, Oct 22 7:30 PM Lesung mit Eric Ahrens

Wed, Oct 23 7:30 PM Aus dem Nähkästchen. Mikis Wesensbitter und Henning Rabe lesen

Sat, Oct 26 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Samba de Sarjeta

Sun, Oct 27 7:00 PM Reformbühne Heim und Welt

Mon, Oct 28 6:30 PM Offene Mietenberatung

Mon, Oct 28 7:00 PM Offener Spielestammtisch

Wed, Oct 30 7:30 PM Tanz den Kommunismus - Punkrock in der DDR

Thu, Oct 31 7:30 PM Poesie mit Ingolf Brökel und Michael J. Wewerka

Fri, Nov 01 7:00 PM Rosi SLAM by Kunst & Krawall

Sun, Nov 03 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Nähen und Schleifen

Bandito Rosso

Infoladen + Kneipe — das haus in der lottumstrasse wurde im januar 1990 von der grünen- und der frauenliga, der umweltbibliothek, dem revolutionären autonomen jugendverband und der autonomen antifa ostberlin besetzt. seitdem existiert im haus eines der ersten linken wohnprojekte im prenzlauer berg. seit märz 1990 gibt es die vereinsräume bandito rosso, die viele unterschiedliche gruppen des linken spektrums beherbergen. das haus wird seit 1991 gemietet. das bandito rosso ist selbstverwaltet und unkommerziell, das heisst, es wird kein eintritt genommen, und alle leute, die mitmachen, engagieren sich in ihrer freizeit und ehrenamtlich, gemeinnützige projekte werden unterstützt. die tage werden von verschiedenen gruppen gestaltet.
Prenzlauer Berg
Infoladen + Kneipe


das haus in der lottumstrasse wurde im januar 1990 von der grünen- und der frauenliga, der umweltbibliothek, dem revolutionären autonomen jugendverband und der autonomen antifa ostberlin besetzt. seitdem existiert im haus eines der ersten linken wohnprojekte im prenzlauer berg. seit märz 1990 gibt es die vereinsräume bandito rosso, die viele unterschiedliche gruppen des linken spektrums beherbergen. das haus wird seit 1991 gemietet. das bandito rosso ist selbstverwaltet und unkommerziell, das heisst, es wird kein eintritt genommen, und alle leute, die mitmachen, engagieren sich in ihrer freizeit und ehrenamtlich, gemeinnützige projekte werden unterstützt. die tage werden von verschiedenen gruppen gestaltet.


Infoladen, Bar, Hausprojekt


Lottumstr. 10a
10119 Berlin





Wheelchair access: no


Infoladen — Baobab Berlin e.V. was founded by independent GDR solidarity groups shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In a former "Südfrüchte" store, a space for development policy work and fair trade was created.


Baobab Berlin e.V. was founded by independent GDR solidarity groups shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In a former "Südfrüchte" store, a space for development policy work and fair trade was created.


Produkte aus Fairem Handel, Medienverleih, Fairhandelsberatung, Gruppenberatung


Am Sudhaus 2
12053 Berlin




Berliner VVN-BdA e.V.

Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes - Bund der AntifaschistInnen Berlin — The VVN-BdA is a non-partisan association of persecutees of the Nazi regime, resistance fighters, and anti-fascists of all generations. It stands in the tradition of the anti-fascist struggle based on the oath of the prisoners of the Buchenwald concentration camp who were liberated from fascism: "Never again war - never again fascism!"
Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes - Bund der AntifaschistInnen Berlin


The VVN-BdA is a non-partisan association of persecutees of the Nazi regime, resistance fighters, and anti-fascists of all generations.

It stands in the tradition of the anti-fascist struggle based on the oath of the prisoners of the Buchenwald concentration camp who were liberated from fascism: "Never again war - never again fascism!"


* Veranstaltungen
* Informationen
* Mediathek
* Zeitschrift "Unser Blatt"


Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
10243 Berlin




BerTa - Berliner-Tierbefreiung-Aktion

Animal Liberation Action Group — The Berlin Animal Liberation Action (BerTA) was founded in 1997. A few people came together to actively work for the liberation of animals. We do not advocate for bigger cages or painless killing methods, but want to end oppressive conditions. A vegan lifestyle is an important prerequisite for ending animal exploitation. But it is also necessary to fight all other forms of oppression. BerTA is an open group and all people who want to actively oppose domination and animal exploitation are welcome to join us. What we want is a liberated society in which animals also find their place as free individuals.
Animal Liberation Action Group


The Berlin Animal Liberation Action (BerTA) was founded in 1997. A few people came together to actively work for the liberation of animals.

We do not advocate for bigger cages or painless killing methods, but want to end oppressive conditions. A vegan lifestyle is an important prerequisite for ending animal exploitation. But it is also necessary to fight all other forms of oppression.

BerTA is an open group and all people who want to actively oppose domination and animal exploitation are welcome to join us.

What we want is a liberated society in which animals also find their place as free individuals.

Bibliothek der Freien

Anarchist libary in the "Haus der Demokratie" — The library "Bibliothek der Freien" exists since December 1993, collecting anarchist publications and archival materials from all times and in all languages.
Prenzlauer Berg
Anarchist libary in the "Haus der Demokratie"


The library "Bibliothek der Freien" exists since December 1993, collecting anarchist publications and archival materials from all times and in all languages.


many books, competent book advice, events


Anarchistische Bücherei im Haus der Demokratie
Greifswalder Str. 4
2. Hof, Raum 1102
10405 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg




Opening hours:
Friday 6-8 pm and by appointment


Open: From Wednesday to Friday: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. On public holidays: closed.
Wheelchair access: limited (thresholds;please contact the library before visiting it with a wheelchair)
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)
Phone: +49 30 7521768

Bödiker 9

Hausprojekt — Bödikerstraße 9 has existed as a house project since 1994. Starting with a squat and subsequent eviction, the house was purchased as a Mietshäuser Syndikat project in early 2013.


Bödikerstraße 9 has existed as a house project since 1994. Starting with a squat and subsequent eviction, the house was purchased as a Mietshäuser Syndikat project in early 2013.

Buchladen zur schwankenden Weltkugel

Bookshop — A specialized bookstore for criticism and everyday life.
Prenzlauer Berg


A specialized bookstore for criticism and everyday life.


The main focuses of our assortment are:

- Politics
- philosophy
- psychoanalysis
- Fine literature

Book table

You will find many leftist magazines and brochures that you can't buy at the kiosk. The Weltkugel is also a hub for flyers, info material, posters and bus tickets to the next demo.


Kastanienallee 85
10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
U-Bhf. Eberswalder Strasse





Open: From Monday to Friday: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM. On Saturday: 11:30 AM – 6:00 PM. On public holidays: closed.
Wheelchair access: limited (Mobile Rampe vorhanden, die sich das Geschäft mit dem Café Morgenrot nebenan teilt.)
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: +49 30 4409158

Cadus e.V.

Crisis Response Makerspace — CADUS is a charitable and independent aid organisation. We initiate innovative and sustainable projects focussing on need-based capacity building to help people help themselves.
Crisis Response Makerspace


CADUS is a charitable and independent aid organisation. We initiate innovative and sustainable projects focussing on need-based capacity building to help people help themselves.


makerspace, workshops


Holzmarktstr. 19
S-Bahn Bogen 41
10243 Berlin




Café Cralle

Bar und Wohnzimmer in kollektiver Selbstverwaltung — Bar and living room in collective self-management. In 1977, Café Cralle was founded by a women-collective, based on the women’s movement at that time. Today, the collective is not just open to women, but as well to all FLINTA* identities. (FLINTA=german for Frauen (women), Lesben (Lesbians), Inter-, Non-Binary-, Trans-, Agender-People).
Bar und Wohnzimmer in kollektiver Selbstverwaltung


Bar and living room in collective self-management.

In 1977, Café Cralle was founded by a women-collective, based on the women’s movement at that time. Today, the collective is not just open to women, but as well to all FLINTA* identities. (FLINTA=german for Frauen (women), Lesben (Lesbians), Inter-, Non-Binary-, Trans-, Agender-People).


Exhibitions, events.


Hochstädterstr. 10a
13347 Berlin





Open: From Monday to Sunday: 7:00 PM – 11:59 PM.
Wheelchair access: no (2 Stufen)
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: +49 30 4553001

Café Morgenrot

Betrieb in kollektiver Selbstverwaltung — Wir haben das café im dezember 2002 eröffnet und betreiben es in kollektiver selbstverwaltung. das bedeutet für uns selbstbestimmt und ohne hierarchien zu arbeiten: mitspracherecht, lohn und verantwortung sind für alle gleich. anders als in herkömmlichen betrieben wechseln wir uns ab, um die anfallenden aufgaben abseits des tresens zu erledigen. wir sehen das cafe als teil linker strukturen in berlin und bieten in diesem rahmen auch möglichkeiten für lohnarbeit. durch das cafe morgenrot wollen wir kultur, politik, und arbeitsalltag miteinander verbinden. das cafe morgenrot ist ein offener raum für kulturelle und politische veranstaltungen, ein ort, an dem diskussionen geführt werden und sich menschen aus unterschiedlichen emanzipatorischen bewegungen austauschen. wir, das morgenrot-kollektiv, wünschen uns anregungen und angebote von euch und versuchen auch selbst, den raum mit entsprechenden themen zu füllen. noch etwas grundsätzliches: rechtes, rassistisches und hetero-/sexistisches verhalten sowie grenzüberschreitungen werden wir hier nicht dulden und ihr hoffentlich auch nicht! wenn ihr was derartiges mitbekommt, mischt euch ein oder sagt am tresen bescheid. ihr habt unsere unterstützung und wir hoffen auf eure fair & öko espresso, tee & kakao, die ihr hier genießen könnt, werden überwiegend in kooperativen und selbstverwalteten betrieben angebaut.
Prenzlauer Berg
Betrieb in kollektiver Selbstverwaltung


Wir haben das café im dezember 2002 eröffnet und betreiben es in kollektiver selbstverwaltung. das bedeutet für uns selbstbestimmt und ohne hierarchien zu arbeiten: mitspracherecht, lohn und verantwortung sind für alle gleich. anders als in herkömmlichen betrieben wechseln wir uns ab, um die anfallenden aufgaben abseits des tresens zu erledigen. wir sehen das cafe als teil linker strukturen in berlin und bieten in diesem rahmen auch möglichkeiten für lohnarbeit. durch das cafe morgenrot wollen wir kultur, politik, und arbeitsalltag miteinander verbinden.
das cafe morgenrot ist ein offener raum für kulturelle und politische veranstaltungen, ein ort, an dem diskussionen geführt werden und sich menschen aus unterschiedlichen emanzipatorischen bewegungen austauschen. wir, das morgenrot-kollektiv, wünschen uns anregungen und angebote von euch und versuchen auch selbst, den raum mit entsprechenden themen zu füllen.
noch etwas grundsätzliches: rechtes, rassistisches und hetero-/sexistisches verhalten sowie grenzüberschreitungen werden wir hier nicht dulden und ihr hoffentlich auch nicht! wenn ihr was derartiges mitbekommt, mischt euch ein oder sagt am tresen bescheid. ihr habt unsere unterstützung und wir hoffen auf eure
fair & öko espresso, tee & kakao, die ihr hier genießen könnt, werden überwiegend in kooperativen und selbstverwalteten betrieben angebaut.


informationen durch zeitungen und zeitschriften, flyer, plakate, einen kostenlosen internetzugang, wechselnde veranstaltungen und eine infowand mit aktuellen ereignissen und aktivitäten


Kastanienallee 85
10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg



Open: On Monday: closed. From Tuesday to Thursday: 3:00 PM – 2:00 AM. From Friday to Sunday: 11:00 AM – 2:00 AM.
Wheelchair access: unlimited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)
Phone: +49 30 44317844

Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America

information and communication center — The Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America (Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika e.V. - FDCL) is a non-profit organisation founded in Berlin in 1974. The organisation has been based in the Mehringhof, Berlin-Kreuzberg, since the early 1980s. The FDCL is one of the oldest organisations involved in the international Latin America solidarity movement and today regards itself as part of a global movement that opposes neoliberal globalisation.
information and communication center


The Center for Research and Documentation Chile-Latin America (Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika e.V. - FDCL) is a non-profit organisation founded in Berlin in 1974. The organisation has been based in the Mehringhof, Berlin-Kreuzberg, since the early 1980s. The FDCL is one of the oldest organisations involved in the international Latin America solidarity movement and today regards itself as part of a global movement that opposes neoliberal globalisation.


archive, events


Gneisenaustr. 2a
Aufgang 3, 5.Stock
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)



Chaos Computer Club Berlin e.V. (CCCB)

Chaos Computer Club — Meeting spot for hackers with a lounge and facilities for talks and events. The Chaos Computer Club Berlin e.V. (CCCB) is an experience exchange circle of the Chaos Computer Club e.V. and thus the local branch of the CCC in Berlin. Podcast: https://chaosradio.de/
Chaos Computer Club


Meeting spot for hackers with a lounge and facilities for talks and events.

The Chaos Computer Club Berlin e.V. (CCCB) is an experience exchange circle of the Chaos Computer Club e.V. and thus the local branch of the CCC in Berlin.

Podcast: https://chaosradio.de/


Events on the subject of computers, technology, security.


Marienstraße 11
10117 Berlin Mitte





Wheelchair access: no
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: +49-30-28598600


Music and Food — Since 2004.
Music and Food


Since 2004.


food, concerts, parties, events, bar


Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)




Wheelchair access: limited (Biergarten und Teile der Kneipe sind nicht berollbar. Aber es Gibt rollstuhlgerechte Toilette auf Nachfrage.)


Sat, Oct 26 9:00 PM KIEZCLASH VOL.2

Sat, Nov 16 9:00 PM KONZERT

Sat, Nov 16 9:00 PM Konzert: Xavi Sarrià

Sat, Nov 30 9:00 PM KONZERT

ComicBibliothek 'Bei Renate'

Bibliothek — Since the 1990's, comic fanzine, 'Renate', has been a big fat heart-warming good deal to Berlin's comics scene. Shortly after, the comics library, 'Bei Renate' was founded.


Since the 1990's, comic fanzine, 'Renate', has been a big fat heart-warming good deal to Berlin's comics scene. Shortly after, the comics library, 'Bei Renate' was founded.


Tucholskystr. 32
10117 Berlin





Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 97005815, +49 30 97005816

Convoi (Wagenburg)

Wagenburg — Wagenburg




Rigaer Str. 6/7
10247 Berlin

Criminals for Freedom

Group against prisons — We are an association of people who try to defend themselves against prisons and prison society in different ways. We do not see prisons in isolation from the conditions "outside", but rather as a fundamental element of the state and capitalism, which we are also hostile to.
Group against prisons


We are an association of people who try to defend themselves against prisons and prison society in different ways. We do not see prisons in isolation from the conditions "outside", but rather as a fundamental element of the state and capitalism, which we are also hostile to.


information, contacts


c/o OH 21
Oranienstraße 21
10999 Berlin




Der Singende Tresen

Anarchist band — The band "DerSingende Tresen" plays curfew music - a unique blend of chanson, jazz, punk, and electro. It is not only a band but also a constantly changing collective work of art. Der Singende Tresen was founded in 2001 as part of the first Berlin Erich Mühsam Fest. It played a major role in organizing this event.
Anarchist band


The band "DerSingende Tresen" plays curfew music - a unique blend of chanson, jazz, punk, and electro.

It is not only a band but also a constantly changing collective work of art.

Der Singende Tresen was founded in 2001 as part of the first Berlin Erich Mühsam Fest. It played a major role in organizing this event.




c/o Präkels/Liske
10405 Berlin




Die Backstube

Vollkornbäckerei — The bakery was founded in 1981 and has been working as a collective ever since. Responsibility for the business lies in the hands of the people who bake, deliver and sell here. It means self-determined and self-organized work. In our bakery, we work with artisan methods and only with selected raw materials from controlled organic cultivation, without any baking mixes or chemical baking agents. Most of our organically grown grain is sourced directly from farmers, where we inspect the quality of the harvest on site every year.


The bakery was founded in 1981 and has been working as a collective ever since. Responsibility for the business lies in the hands of the people who bake, deliver and sell here. It means self-determined and self-organized work.

In our bakery, we work with artisan methods and only with selected raw materials from controlled organic cultivation, without any baking mixes or chemical baking agents. Most of our organically grown grain is sourced directly from farmers, where we inspect the quality of the harvest on site every year.


Wassertorstr. 2
10969 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Kottbusser Tor, U-Bhf. Prinzenstraße (U1), U-Bhf. Moritzplatz (U8))





Open: From Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM. On Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 6143080

Die Plattform Berlin

plattformist organization — Berlin local group of the German wide federation "die Plattform" based on the ideas of platformism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platformism).
plattformist organization


Berlin local group of the German wide federation "die Plattform" based on the ideas of platformism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platformism).




youth center — The Drugstore is the oldest self-organized youth center in Berlin. It was founded in 1972. It is not a club, event gastronomy, or any other service company. The employees are organized in a collective on a voluntary basis. Since 01.01.2019 in exile, fighting for a new space.
youth center


The Drugstore is the oldest self-organized youth center in Berlin. It was founded in 1972. It is not a club, event gastronomy, or any other service company. The employees are organized in a collective on a voluntary basis.

Since 01.01.2019 in exile, fighting for a new space.




Thu, Oct 31 8:00 PM Nox A Carnival Vol. 11

Fri, Nov 01 8:00 PM Nox A Carnival Vol. 11

Sat, Nov 02 8:00 PM Nox A Carnival Vol. 11

Fri, Nov 08 7:00 PM Quick and Dirty #2

EA (Ermittlungsausschuss)

Rechtshilfegruppe — The Ermittlungsausschuss Berlin (legal team) is a legal support group. It has been around for more than 40 years. We take care of people who get arrested at left-wing demonstrations and actions. If people call us and tell us the names of the arrested persons, we bring them in contact with lawyers, so nobody gets ‚lost‘ in pre-trial custody. If nevertheless somebody remains in custody, we take care of the prisoners . We offer legal advice on all questions surrounding repression during our consultation hours.


The Ermittlungsausschuss Berlin (legal team) is a legal support group. It has been around for more than 40 years. We take care of people who get arrested at left-wing demonstrations and actions. If people call us and tell us the names of the arrested persons, we bring them in contact with lawyers, so nobody gets ‚lost‘ in pre-trial custody. If nevertheless somebody remains in custody, we take care of the prisoners . We offer legal advice on all questions surrounding repression during our consultation hours.


Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)


phone: 030/692 2222


Edition Tiamat - Verlag Klaus Bittermann

Leftist Publisher — Leftist Publisher
Leftist Publisher


Leftist Publisher




Grimmstrasse 26
10967 Berlin



Ende Gelände Berlin

Group for climate justice — We fight for climate justice in Berlin and organize actions against the climate crisis, gas, coal and capitalism, for climate justice and system change. We often resort to civil disobedience. We are part of the nationwide alliance and are also active locally in Berlin. We see ourselves as a political group that fights for climate justice with as little hierarchy as possible. We want to offer all activists a simple point of contact in Berlin where they can get involved politically.
Group for climate justice


We fight for climate justice in Berlin and organize actions against the climate crisis, gas, coal and capitalism, for climate justice and system change. We often resort to civil disobedience.

We are part of the nationwide alliance and are also active locally in Berlin.

We see ourselves as a political group that fights for climate justice with as little hierarchy as possible. We want to offer all activists a simple point of contact in Berlin where they can get involved politically.


Antisexistischer Infoladen — The f.a.q - infoladen has been operating in Berlin-Neukölln since October 2009. f.a.q. - that stands for - f for feminist, - a for anti-sexist and - q for queer. The faq infoladen is a self-managed structural project. This means that we provide spaces and infrastructure for feminist radical left-wing politics. We thus create a non-commercial space for feminist struggles and debates. It is important to us to link different political focuses and fields of action and to network beyond "political scenes".
Antisexistischer Infoladen


The f.a.q - infoladen has been operating in Berlin-Neukölln since October 2009.

f.a.q. - that stands for
- f for feminist,
- a for anti-sexist and
- q for queer.

The faq infoladen is a self-managed structural project. This means that we provide spaces and infrastructure for feminist radical left-wing politics. We thus create a non-commercial space for feminist struggles and debates. It is important to us to link different political focuses and fields of action and to network beyond "political scenes".


Information, space for events and workshops


Jonasstr. 40
12053 Berlin-Neukölln
(U8 Leinestr.)





Wheelchair access: limited (EG, ca 7cm Stufe am Eingang, mobile Eigenbau-Rampe verfügbar, Türschwellen teils angeschrägt, WC mit breiter Falttür und Haltegriffen)


bicycle courier collective — Fahrwerk was founded in 2009 by Berlin bicycle couriers to create better working conditions for themselves. Fahrwerk is a self-organized collective. We make important decisions by consensus, together and without hierarchy at our plenums. In our day-to-day business, we do not compete against each other, but work together in solidarity. We don't pay each other by the job, but by the hour. Among other things, this ensures a pleasant working atmosphere, which has a positive effect on our service.
bicycle courier collective


Fahrwerk was founded in 2009 by Berlin bicycle couriers to create better working conditions for themselves.

Fahrwerk is a self-organized collective. We make important decisions by consensus, together and without hierarchy at our plenums. In our day-to-day business, we do not compete against each other, but work together in solidarity. We don't pay each other by the job, but by the hour. Among other things, this ensures a pleasant working atmosphere, which has a positive effect on our service.


Colbestraße 19
10247 Berlin-Friedrichshain




Fehre 6

house project - bar - project space — "Fehre 6" is a house project in Prenzlauer Berg. Occupied in the early 90s and refurbished starting in 2000, the house community exists and develops, forming a small oasis of alternative life in the gentrified neighborhood. The communal event rooms and the bar on the first floor are opened weekly as a place of exchange.
Prenzlauer Berg
house project - bar - project space


"Fehre 6" is a house project in Prenzlauer Berg. Occupied in the early 90s and refurbished starting in 2000, the house community exists and develops, forming a small oasis of alternative life in the gentrified neighborhood. The communal event rooms and the bar on the first floor are opened weekly as a place of exchange.


Fehrbelliner Str. 6
10119 Berlin



Vereinsräume des Fischbrötchen e.V.
Vereinsräume des Fischbrötchen e.V.


parties, events and food


Rigaer Str. 83
10247 Berlin


Open: From Tuesday to Saturday: 8:00 PM – 2:00 AM. On Sunday: 8:00 PM – 11:59 PM. On Monday: closed.
Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 42809944


Sat, Nov 23 9:00 PM FAG BAR

Food For Action

Mobile Kitchen — FOOD FOR ACTION from Berlin cooks on political events to strengthen struggles for a better world and to integrate alternatives to the dominating policies. We don’t see us as a non-political ‘service-station’ but we intend to act collectively to built a lasting movement that nurtures resistance to all forms of injustice and oppression, and supports people in implementing their own solutions and sustainable societies. Therefore we use (undogmatic and down-to-earth-like) organic produced ingredients for our vegan Food For Action.
Mobile Kitchen


FOOD FOR ACTION from Berlin cooks on political events to strengthen struggles for a better world and to integrate alternatives to the dominating policies. We don’t see us as a non-political ‘service-station’ but we intend to act collectively to built a lasting movement that nurtures resistance to all forms of injustice and oppression, and supports people in implementing their own solutions and sustainable societies. Therefore we use (undogmatic and down-to-earth-like) organic produced ingredients for our vegan Food For Action.


Mobile kitchen, recipes

Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration (FFM)

Gruppe — The Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration e.V. (FFM) has been researching and publishing on refugee movements on the periphery of the European Union (EU) in the context of social struggles since 1994. Its points of reference are the interests of refugees and migrants as well as criticism of migration and refugee policy. The transnational self-organization is to be strengthened through research activism, in cooperation with refugee policy associations, committed local groups and academic institutions.


The Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration e.V. (FFM) has been researching and publishing on refugee movements on the periphery of the European Union (EU) in the context of social struggles since 1994. Its points of reference are the interests of refugees and migrants as well as criticism of migration and refugee policy. The transnational self-organization is to be strengthened through research activism, in cooperation with refugee policy associations, committed local groups and academic institutions.


Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)



Freie Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeiter-Union (FAU) Berlin

Gewerkschaft — As a trade union, the primary goal of FAU Berlin is to safeguard and promote the working and economic conditions–as well as the cultural and social interests–of its members. In doing so, it uses various trade union means to enforce demands and to safeguard what has been achieved. To this end, it also works to deepen and broaden the education and skills of its members. We see ourselves not only as an interest organisation, but also as an organisation fighting for transformation. By uniting and expanding struggles, we want to gain momentum to bring about changes in society as a whole. Our goal is an economic and social order based on collective self-management. The task of the FAU Berlin is therefore also to create the foundations for this in the economic region of Berlin.


As a trade union, the primary goal of FAU Berlin is to safeguard and promote the working and economic conditions–as well as the cultural and social interests–of its members. In doing so, it uses various trade union means to enforce demands and to safeguard what has been achieved. To this end, it also works to deepen and broaden the education and skills of its members.

We see ourselves not only as an interest organisation, but also as an organisation fighting for transformation. By uniting and expanding struggles, we want to gain momentum to bring about changes in society as a whole. Our goal is an economic and social order based on collective self-management. The task of the FAU Berlin is therefore also to create the foundations for this in the economic region of Berlin.


Arbeitsrechtsberatung, Arbeitskämpfe


Grüntaler Straße 24
13357 Berlin





Wheelchair access: limited
Phone: +49 30 28700804

Freundeskreis Karin Kramer Verlag

former Anarchist publisher — After the death of Karin and Bernd Kramer, the legacy is maintained by a circle of friends. Some books are still available on the publisher's website. For the history of the publisher see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karin_Kramer_Verlag
former Anarchist publisher


After the death of Karin and Bernd Kramer, the legacy is maintained by a circle of friends. Some books are still available on the publisher's website.

For the history of the publisher see




Jugendhaus — Jugendhaus




Rechtsinformationen, Jugend-Beratung, Übernachtung


Thurgauer Str. 66
13407 Berlin
U8 Paracelsus-Bad




Galerie Olga Benario

Exhibition and event space. Forum against neofacism, sexism, racism, and imperialism — The OLGA BENARIO Gallery was founded by West-Berlin’s Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes/Verband der Antifaschisten (Association of Victims of Nazi Persecution/Association of Anti-Fascists VVN/VdA) and presented its first exhibition on February 12, 1984 in a space on Boddinstrasse (in the Neukölln district of Berlin). The gallery was named based on three criteria. First, one wanted to honour an antifascist woman. Second, she had to have a connection with the Berlin district of Neukölln. And, third, she had to be an internationalist. Daily life under Nazi rule and the anti-fascist resistance were the main topics of the gallery’s first exhibitions. This was the result of the fact that a great number of VVN/VdA’s members had been eyewitnesses of that era and had fought, mostly as members of the Communist Party, against Hitler’s regime. When the tenancy agreement for the gallery’s space in Boddinstraße terminated and the VVN/VdA’s subsidies from the GDR stopped, the OLGA BENARIO Gallery found a new space in Neukölln’s Weserstrasse, where it was run in cooperation with the Chilean restaurant “Orlando.” This cooperation ended in 2001, and the OLGA BENARIO Gallery moved to its current space in Neukölln’s Richardstraße.
Exhibition and event space. Forum against neofacism, sexism, racism, and imperialism


The OLGA BENARIO Gallery was founded by West-Berlin’s Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes/Verband der Antifaschisten (Association of Victims of Nazi Persecution/Association of Anti-Fascists VVN/VdA) and presented its first exhibition on February 12, 1984 in a space on Boddinstrasse (in the Neukölln district of Berlin).

The gallery was named based on three criteria. First, one wanted to honour an antifascist woman. Second, she had to have a connection with the Berlin district of Neukölln. And, third, she had to be an internationalist. Daily life under Nazi rule and the anti-fascist resistance were the main topics of the gallery’s first exhibitions. This was the result of the fact that a great number of VVN/VdA’s members had been eyewitnesses of that era and had fought, mostly as members of the Communist Party, against Hitler’s regime.

When the tenancy agreement for the gallery’s space in Boddinstraße terminated and the VVN/VdA’s subsidies from the GDR stopped, the OLGA BENARIO Gallery found a new space in Neukölln’s Weserstrasse, where it was run in cooperation with the Chilean restaurant “Orlando.” This cooperation ended in 2001, and the OLGA BENARIO Gallery moved to its current space in Neukölln’s Richardstraße.


Richardstr. 104
12043 Berlin
(U-Bhf. Karl-Marx-Strasse)




Groni 50 e.V.

house — Hauskooperative seit 1980


Hauskooperative seit 1980




Groninger Str. 50
13347 Berlin-Wedding
(U-Bhf. Osloer Strasse oder Nauener Platz)




Hanf Museum

Museum — The Hanf Museum (Hemp Museum) is unique in Germany and one of the few on the world. In the historic heart of Berlin, the Nikolaiviertel, interested visitors can find out everything on the Cannabis – Hemp – Marijuana topic. The exhibition spans on 300 square meters and is open daily, except Mondays. Find out on all hemp-related topics and how hemp can help you!


The Hanf Museum (Hemp Museum) is unique in Germany and one of the few on the world. In the historic heart of Berlin, the Nikolaiviertel, interested visitors can find out everything on the Cannabis – Hemp – Marijuana topic. The exhibition spans on 300 square meters and is open daily, except Mondays. Find out on all hemp-related topics and how hemp can help you!


Mühlendamm 5a (Nebeneingang)
10178 Berlin




Open: From Tuesday to Friday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM. From Saturday to Sunday: 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM. On Monday: closed.
Wheelchair access: limited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)
Phone: +49 30 242 48 27

Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte

Ort mit verschiedenen Projekten — Das Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte in der Greifswalder Straße 4 führt erstmals die Bürgerbewegung Ost und die Menschenrechtsbewegung West unter einem Dach arbeitend zusammen. Es steht als zentraler Arbeitsort für Idee und Praxis der Bürgerbewegung in Deutschland allen verwandten Initiativen und Nichtregierungsorganisationen offen.
Prenzlauer Berg
Ort mit verschiedenen Projekten


Das Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte in der Greifswalder Straße 4 führt erstmals die Bürgerbewegung Ost und die Menschenrechtsbewegung West unter einem Dach arbeitend zusammen. Es steht als zentraler Arbeitsort für Idee und Praxis der Bürgerbewegung in Deutschland allen verwandten Initiativen und Nichtregierungsorganisationen offen.


Das Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte vermietet Räume an Organisationen und Initiativen. Neben dauerhaften Büroräumen bieten wir für die tageweise Anmietung Räume für alle Zwecke an, vom kleinen Seminarraum bis zum großen Veranstaltungssaal bis 100 Personen.


Greifswalder Str. 4,
10405 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg





Open: From Monday to Friday: 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: limited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)
Phone: +49 30 2043506

Haus der Jugend (Köpenick)

Cafe Köpenick, Kneipe, Konzerte — the CAFE is open from tuesday to saturday. on all these days you can: * just relax in the garden or in the house * meet people and chat at the bar * do something for your education in the library and on the internet * play table tennis and table football * try trial bike and slacklining * make music and start a band * edit your videos at the editing suite * get politically involved * help out and take responsibility all this and much more ... of course, there is also a fixed weekly offer ...
Cafe Köpenick, Kneipe, Konzerte


the CAFE is open from tuesday to saturday.
on all these days you can:
* just relax in the garden or in the house
* meet people and chat at the bar
* do something for your education in the library and on the internet
* play table tennis and table football
* try trial bike and slacklining
* make music and start a band
* edit your videos at the editing suite
* get politically involved
* help out and take responsibility
all this and much more ...
of course, there is also a fixed weekly offer ...


rehearsal rooms


Seelenbinderstr. 54
12555 Berlin
S-Bhf. Köpenick





Open: From Tuesday to Thursday: 3:00 PM – 11:00 PM. On Friday: 6:00 PM – 2:30 AM. On Saturday: 6:00 PM – 1:30 AM.
Wheelchair access: limited

Heilehaus e.V.

Gesundheitsprojekt — The Heilehaus project was created in 1981 and has since then endeavoured to offer various services to heal the body and mind through natural methods, particularly for socially disadvantaged people.


The Heilehaus project was created in 1981 and has since then endeavoured to offer various services to heal the body and mind through natural methods, particularly for socially disadvantaged people.


Waldemarstr. 36
10999 Berlin





Open: From Monday to Wednesday: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. On Thursday: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
Wheelchair access: unlimited
Phone: +49 30 6154747

Internationale der Kriegsdienstgegner*innen (IDK)

The IDK is a section of the War Resisters' International (WRI) — The IDK is the German section of the War Resisters' International (WRI) (https://wri-irg.org). Since 1947, the IDK has campaigned for pacifism and non-violence, anti-militarism and resistance to all wars. For a non-violent revolution.
The IDK is a section of the War Resisters' International (WRI)


The IDK is the German section of the War Resisters' International (WRI) (https://wri-irg.org).

Since 1947, the IDK has campaigned for pacifism and non-violence, anti-militarism and resistance to all wars. For a non-violent revolution.

jour fixe initiative berlin

Linke Theorie und Praxis. — Die jour fixe initiative berlin besteht seit Oktober 1997. Mit Vortragsreihen zur Kritik von Herrschaft, Ausbeutung und Unmündigkeit bietet sie eine Plattform für die Diskussion und Theoriebildung innerhalb der radikalen Linken an und will einen Beitrag zur Überwindung kapitalistischer Vergesellschaftung leisten. Die Vorträge der Veranstaltungsreihen liegen als Sammelbände bei Unrast vor. Die jour fixe initiative publiziert im selben Verlag eine Theoriereihe, in der gesellschaftstheoretische Texte zumeist fremdsprachiger Autoren veröffentlicht werden. Die jour fixe initiative möchte damit zu einer Internationalisierung der hiesigen linksradikalen Debatten beitragen.
Linke Theorie und Praxis.


Die jour fixe initiative berlin besteht seit Oktober 1997. Mit Vortragsreihen zur Kritik von Herrschaft, Ausbeutung und Unmündigkeit bietet sie eine Plattform für die Diskussion und Theoriebildung innerhalb der radikalen Linken an und will einen Beitrag zur Überwindung kapitalistischer Vergesellschaftung leisten.

Die Vorträge der Veranstaltungsreihen liegen als Sammelbände bei Unrast vor. Die jour fixe initiative publiziert im selben Verlag eine Theoriereihe, in der gesellschaftstheoretische Texte zumeist fremdsprachiger Autoren veröffentlicht werden. Die jour fixe initiative möchte damit zu einer Internationalisierung der hiesigen linksradikalen Debatten beitragen.

JUP e.V.

Unabhängiges Jugendzentrum Pankow — The JUP works according to the principle of self-organization; everyone can get involved, take responsibility and help shape things. Interested people can also become members of the association and participate in decision-making processes. When young people from Pankow occupied the building that now houses the JUP shortly after reunification, it was also about creating a free space for culture and communication. This has remained the case to this day. Everyone should feel comfortable in the JUP, regardless of their skin color, origin, gender or sexual orientation. The "Stilbruch" café on the ground floor of the building has always been the center for the more colorful part of Pankow's youth. Because of its democratic and human rights orientation, the JUP has been repeatedly attacked by right-wingers and neo-Nazis in all the years of its existence, without this being able to change the course of the house. The JUP is a special meeting place for young people. Projects and courses that take place in our house are organized by you. It's all about what you want and what you make of it. Our core group consists of teenagers and young adults aged between 15 and 27. Courses and projects usually take place once a week. You can find out the current times for our activities on the notice board in the JUP hallway or from the staff in the office. If you would like to use our rooms for your projects or organize a course with friends, we will be happy to answer your questions and help you with the planning.
Unabhängiges Jugendzentrum Pankow


The JUP works according to the principle of self-organization; everyone can get involved, take responsibility and help shape things. Interested people can also become members of the association and participate in decision-making processes.

When young people from Pankow occupied the building that now houses the JUP shortly after reunification, it was also about creating a free space for culture and communication. This has remained the case to this day. Everyone should feel comfortable in the JUP, regardless of their skin color, origin, gender or sexual orientation. The "Stilbruch" café on the ground floor of the building has always been the center for the more colorful part of Pankow's youth.

Because of its democratic and human rights orientation, the JUP has been repeatedly attacked by right-wingers and neo-Nazis in all the years of its existence, without this being able to change the course of the house.

The JUP is a special meeting place for young people. Projects and courses that take place in our house are organized by you. It's all about what you want and what you make of it. Our core group consists of teenagers and young adults aged between 15 and 27.

Courses and projects usually take place once a week. You can find out the current times for our activities on the notice board in the JUP hallway or from the staff in the office. If you would like to use our rooms for your projects or organize a course with friends, we will be happy to answer your questions and help you with the planning.


food, rooms, screen printing workshop, library


Florastr. 84
13187 Berlin





Open: On Wednesday: 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM. On Tuesday and from Thursday to Friday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: limited

K19 Café

bar and café — location for parties, concerts, and food
bar and café


location for parties, concerts, and food


Food for all


Kreutzigerstr. 19,
10247 Berlin
(U-Bhf. Samariterstrasse)


Sat, Oct 26 7:00 PM k19 Konzert

Tue, Nov 05 7:00 PM Hc Punk Konzert



Grössenwahn & Leichtsinn — Ihr könnt unsere Räume für diverse öffentliche Veranstaltungszwecke mieten. Möglich sind zum Beispiel: Info- und Diskussionsveranstaltungen, Kino- und Theatervorführungen, Kongresse und Seminare, Soliparties und -konzerte, Bar- und Kaffeebetrieb, Sportevents, Ausstellungen und was Euch sonst noch alles einfällt. Nur Soliveranstaltungen!
Grössenwahn & Leichtsinn


Ihr könnt unsere Räume für diverse öffentliche Veranstaltungszwecke mieten. Möglich sind zum Beispiel: Info- und Diskussionsveranstaltungen, Kino- und Theatervorführungen, Kongresse und Seminare, Soliparties und -konzerte, Bar- und Kaffeebetrieb, Sportevents, Ausstellungen und was Euch sonst noch alles einfällt. Nur Soliveranstaltungen!


- Veranstaltungsetage und Partykeller "Größenwahn und Leichtsinn"
- "Küssen": kollektiv organisiertes Siebdruckatelier
- Bar Kneipe Café Liberación
- Designhof e.V.: Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur


Kinzigstr. 9
10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain
(U-Bhf. Samariterstrasse)





Wheelchair access: no

kanalB / content e.V.

aktivistisches Medienprojekt, Internetsender — kanalB ist eine Internet-Plattform für Videoaktivismus und ein Videomagazin. Eine kleine Berliner Gruppe sowie eine winzige Wiener Gruppe pflegt die Seiten, produziert die Ausgaben, organisiert den Vertrieb und erhält die Infrastruktur. kanalB ist ein Projekt des gemeinnützigen Vereins content e.V.
aktivistisches Medienprojekt, Internetsender


kanalB ist eine Internet-Plattform für Videoaktivismus und ein Videomagazin. Eine kleine Berliner Gruppe sowie eine winzige Wiener Gruppe pflegt die Seiten, produziert die Ausgaben, organisiert den Vertrieb und erhält die Infrastruktur.

kanalB ist ein Projekt des gemeinnützigen Vereins content e.V.




location — Ort
Prenzlauer Berg




Multi-purpose room for events of any kind


Kastanienallee 85 HH
10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

Enter via Café Morgenrot.




Thu, Nov 07 8:00 PM Konzert ultrabonus + Diamante Negro

Sat, Nov 09 9:00 PM PUNK IN THE K-HOLE


Autonomous Culture Center — The Köpi is an self-organized, independent and non-profit living space and cultural project. People who are involved and work here do that voluntarily in their spare time and not for money. We also don't get any financial funding from the city of Berlin or the state. KØPI is home to many autonomous projects.
Autonomous Culture Center


The Köpi is an self-organized, independent and non-profit living space and cultural project. People who are involved and work here do that voluntarily in their spare time and not for money. We also don't get any financial funding from the city of Berlin or the state.

KØPI is home to many autonomous projects.


Köpenicker Str. 137,
10179 Berlin
(Nähe Ostbahnhof)


political party — Kreuzberg Patriotic Democrats / Realistic Centre, Supper department.
political party


Kreuzberg Patriotic Democrats / Realistic Centre, Supper department.


Adalbertstraße 28
10179 Berlin




Kraut & Rüben Lebensmittelvertriebs GmbH

Natural foods store, women's collective — Kraut & Rüben was founded in 1978 as the "Verein Praktische Pädagogik". Organized as a women's collective, we offer organic food for the neighborhood. On 100 square meters, there is mainly a lot of fresh produce, but also a well-stocked dry range. Quality, an ecologically sound product range and long-term cooperation with smaller collective and regional producers are particularly important to us. Communication and discussions on social and ecological issues in the neighborhood are also important to us.
Natural foods store, women's collective


Kraut & Rüben was founded in 1978 as the "Verein Praktische Pädagogik".

Organized as a women's collective, we offer organic food for the neighborhood. On 100 square meters, there is mainly a lot of fresh produce, but also a well-stocked dry range. Quality, an ecologically sound product range and long-term cooperation with smaller collective and regional producers are particularly important to us. Communication and discussions on social and ecological issues in the neighborhood are also important to us.


Oranienstraße 15
(am Heinrichplatz)
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
U Kottbusser Tor



Open: From Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM. On Saturday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 6141075


Jugendclub — The Kurt Lade Klub is one of the oldest cult youth clubs in Berlin-Pankow and has been enriching the cultural life of the district for almost 40 years. Although it is part of the district authority, it has been run, designed and organized completely independently by young volunteers and young adults on their own initiative since the end of 2008. With the concept of self-organization as a principle, we want to maintain, continue and expand free and alternative youth work in Berlin and Pankow. Our main aim here is to offer a maximum of opportunities and space for the self-determined and autonomous activity and development of young people and young adults, bands and projects.


The Kurt Lade Klub is one of the oldest cult youth clubs in Berlin-Pankow and has been enriching the cultural life of the district for almost 40 years.

Although it is part of the district authority, it has been run, designed and organized completely independently by young volunteers and young adults on their own initiative since the end of 2008.

With the concept of self-organization as a principle, we want to maintain, continue and expand free and alternative youth work in Berlin and Pankow. Our main aim here is to offer a maximum of opportunities and space for the self-determined and autonomous activity and development of young people and young adults, bands and projects.




Grabbeallee 33
13156 Berlin




KvU (Kirche von Unten)

Offenes Projekt — Das Unten des Namens ist Programm, die Kirche Tradition. Und, kleine Orthographiekunde für Uneingeweihte: Der Großbuchstabe ist gewollt, ebenso wie der der Offenen Arbeit der DDR, in der die KvU ihre Wurzeln hat.
Prenzlauer Berg
Offenes Projekt


Das Unten des Namens ist Programm, die Kirche Tradition. Und, kleine Orthographiekunde für Uneingeweihte: Der Großbuchstabe ist gewollt, ebenso wie der der Offenen Arbeit der DDR, in der die KvU ihre Wurzeln hat.


Storkower Str. 119
10407 Berlin





Fri, Nov 01 7:00 PM Tresen Jugend Antifa Platte im La Casa

Fri, Nov 15 7:00 PM La Casa Tresen

Fri, Dec 06 7:00 PM Tresen Jugend Antifa Platte im La Casa

Fri, Dec 20 7:00 PM La Casa Tresen

Fri, Jan 03 7:00 PM Tresen Jugend Antifa Platte im La Casa

Fri, Jan 17 7:00 PM La Casa Tresen

Fri, Feb 07 7:00 PM Tresen Jugend Antifa Platte im La Casa

Fri, Feb 21 7:00 PM La Casa Tresen

Fri, Feb 21 7:00 PM La Casa - Freitagstresen

Fri, Mar 14 7:00 PM La Casa - Freitagstresen

La Casa

self-organized youth center — La Casa determines itself as left project that wants to give people the opportunity to develop themselves apart from existing social circumstances. The mutual aim is a society of emancipated and enlightened individuals who act self-determined. In contrary to state-driven youth clubs the activists engage here without the lead or control of social workers, so everyone can realize her / his ideas and conceptions of alternate ways of life and cultural activities. No one is earning money from his duty here. To keep this condition and the project there are some aspects to be noticed by all users.
self-organized youth center


La Casa determines itself as left project that wants to give people the opportunity to develop themselves apart from existing social circumstances. The mutual aim is a society of emancipated and enlightened individuals who act self-determined. In contrary to state-driven youth clubs the activists engage here without the lead or control of social workers, so everyone can realize her / his ideas and conceptions of alternate ways of life and cultural activities. No one is earning money from his duty here. To keep this condition and the project there are some aspects to be noticed by all users.


Wurzener Str. 6
12627 Berlin-Hellersdorf
(U5 Louis-Lewin-Strasse)



aktuelle Termine unter https://www.facebook.com/lacasahellersdorf


Laster und Hänger

Wagenburg — Wagenburg





Lateinamerika Nachrichten (LN) - Latin American News

Media. — LN is a monthly magazine that reports critically, in solidarity and independently on Latin America and the Caribbean. The monthly magazine Lateinamerika Nachrichten (LN) was founded in 1973. It was initially published under the name Chile-Nachrichten and was created as part of solidarity movements in Germany to make information about Latin America accessible.


LN is a monthly magazine that reports critically, in solidarity and independently on Latin America and the Caribbean.

The monthly magazine Lateinamerika Nachrichten (LN) was founded in 1973. It was initially published under the name Chile-Nachrichten and was created as part of solidarity movements in Germany to make information about Latin America accessible.




Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)




Bar Galerie Club — Ort
Bar Galerie Club




Café und Kneipe in der K9 — Nice pub for nice people. Free internet and table football. Draft beer, cocktails and much more. Sometimes concerts, movies, exhibitions. The Liberación can be rented for public events, birthdays or other parties. Just ask in the pub.
Café und Kneipe in der K9


Nice pub for nice people. Free internet and table football. Draft beer, cocktails and much more. Sometimes concerts, movies, exhibitions. The Liberación can be rented for public events, birthdays or other parties. Just ask in the pub.


Kinzigstr. 9
10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain
(U-Bhf. Samariterstrasse)

Libertarian Press Agency (LPA) Berlin

Libertarian Press Agency — Libertarian Press Agency
Libertarian Press Agency


Libertarian Press Agency


Information on anarchism






Kino — The Lichtblick-Kino is an independent arthouse cinema in Prenzlauer Berg. In addition to current arthouse films, our program offers many classics and regular retrospectives. We also give a lot of space to documentaries and short films as well as politically committed productions. Weekend afternoons are dedicated to children's movies. The Lichtblick-Kino is run collectively. Founded in 1994 as "Stattkino Berlin e.V.", the collective initially organized film series on political topics. In 1995, the Lichtblick-Kino was opened as a permanent venue in Wolliner Straße. Since 1998, it has had its home in the Kastanienallee 77 building project. However, the Lichtblick has always been more than just a cinema: it is also a breeding ground for many projects and initiatives in Berlin's cinema landscape. Many former and current participants are now active in the cinema industry, as distributors, cinema operators or filmmakers.
Prenzlauer Berg


The Lichtblick-Kino is an independent arthouse cinema in Prenzlauer Berg. In addition to current arthouse films, our program offers many classics and regular retrospectives. We also give a lot of space to documentaries and short films as well as politically committed productions. Weekend afternoons are dedicated to children's movies.

The Lichtblick-Kino is run collectively. Founded in 1994 as "Stattkino Berlin e.V.", the collective initially organized film series on political topics. In 1995, the Lichtblick-Kino was opened as a permanent venue in Wolliner Straße. Since 1998, it has had its home in the Kastanienallee 77 building project.

However, the Lichtblick has always been more than just a cinema: it is also a breeding ground for many projects and initiatives in Berlin's cinema landscape. Many former and current participants are now active in the cinema industry, as distributors, cinema operators or filmmakers.


Kastanienallee 77
10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg





Wheelchair access: no (Stufen am Eingang)
Phone: +49 30 44058179


Netzwerk von Übersetzer_innen — lingua*trans*fair ist ein weltweites Netzwerk selbständiger Freiberufler_innen, die sich der interkulturellen Kommunikation verschrieben haben. Unsere Mitglieder unterstützen sich solidarisch bei der Berufsausübung. Unser Angebot richtet sich insbesondere an Unternehmen, Organisationen und Institutionen aus den Bereichen Kultur, Politik und Umwelt, die einer sprachlichen Transferleistung bedürfen. Wir verstehen uns als solidarökonomisches Netzwerk freiberuflicher Übersetzer_innen, Dolmetscher_innen, Texter_innen und Lektor_innen.
Netzwerk von Übersetzer_innen


lingua*trans*fair ist ein weltweites Netzwerk selbständiger Freiberufler_innen, die sich der interkulturellen Kommunikation verschrieben haben. Unsere Mitglieder unterstützen sich solidarisch bei der Berufsausübung.

Unser Angebot richtet sich insbesondere an Unternehmen, Organisationen und Institutionen aus den Bereichen Kultur, Politik und Umwelt, die einer sprachlichen Transferleistung bedürfen. Wir verstehen uns als solidarökonomisches Netzwerk freiberuflicher Übersetzer_innen, Dolmetscher_innen, Texter_innen und Lektor_innen.


übersetzen, dolmetschen, untertiteln und lektorieren


Stadtteil- und Infoladen — Stadtteil- und Infoladen
Stadtteil- und Infoladen


Stadtteil- und Infoladen


Weisestr. 53
12049 Berlin-Neukölln




events on the website


Wheelchair access: limited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: +49 30 622 32 34


General store with revolution supplies — The store was founded in 1985 as a copy store and alternative bookstore at Manteuffelstraße 99 by Hans-Georg "HG" Lindenau, who still runs the store today. (Source Wikipedia)
General store with revolution supplies


The store was founded in 1985 as a copy store and alternative bookstore at Manteuffelstraße 99 by Hans-Georg "HG" Lindenau, who still runs the store today. (Source Wikipedia)


Falckensteinstraße 46
10997 Berlin


Mo-Fr 12-19 Uhr, Sa 12-16 Uhr
Tel.: 030 6127491


Wheelchair access: no


Kultur-, Gewerbe- und Freizeitzentrum — Der MehringHof "gehört" seit 1979 den im Haus arbeitenden Gesellschafter*innen. Alle wichtigen Entscheidungen des MehringHofs werden nach wie vor in Mieter*innenversammlungen diskutiert und entschieden - meistens einvernehmlich. Der MehringHof lebt von seiner speziellen Mischung: Einerseits gibt es Gewerbebetriebe, wie den Buchladen Schwarze Risse, die Verlage und den Fahrradladen im MehringHof, andererseits Kulturbetriebe wie das MehringHof-Theater oder das Clash. Das Clash als Kneipe, Veranstaltungsort und mit seinem Mittagstisch auch "MehringHof-Kantine" - hervorgegangen aus der legendären Kollektivkneipe "Spectrum", dem späteren "EX" - war von Anfang an im MehringHof dabei und ist seit 1985 eine Instanz in Berlin. Der MehringHof lebt - Tag und Nacht. Zu bestaunen ist dies bei den zahlreichen Veranstaltungen im Haus, im Buchladen Schwarze Risse, im MehringHof-Theater oder im Clash. Auch soziale Projekte, Initiativen und Vereine haben hier ihren festen Platz: Etwa das Medibüro Berlin, das Menschen ohne Aufenthaltsstatus und ohne Krankenversicherung anonyme und kostenlose medizinische Behandlung vermittelt, die ambulanten Dienste, die persönliche Assistenz für chronisch kranke und behinderte Menschen organisieren, der AOB - Arbeitskreis Orientierungs- und Bildungshilfe e.V., bei dem Jugendliche und Erwachsene Lesen und Schreiben lernen können, dem Kälteschutz für Obdachlose oder Tauwetter e.V. als Anlaufstelle, für Männer*, die sexualisierter Gewalt ausgesetzt waren. Auf der SfE - Schule für Erwachsenenbildung kann Mensch sich auf die Prüfungen für das Abitur und die Mittlere Reife vorbereiten und beim Tu’ng Dojo e.V. Karate und Ju Jutsu trainieren. In dem großen Archiv des FDCL ist fast alles über Lateinamerika zu finden und die Lateinamerika Nachrichten informieren seit 1973 über Lateinamerika.
Kultur-, Gewerbe- und Freizeitzentrum


Der MehringHof "gehört" seit 1979 den im Haus arbeitenden Gesellschafter*innen. Alle wichtigen Entscheidungen des MehringHofs werden nach wie vor in Mieter*innenversammlungen diskutiert und entschieden - meistens einvernehmlich.

Der MehringHof lebt von seiner speziellen Mischung:

Einerseits gibt es Gewerbebetriebe, wie den Buchladen Schwarze Risse, die Verlage und den Fahrradladen im MehringHof, andererseits Kulturbetriebe wie das MehringHof-Theater oder das Clash. Das Clash als Kneipe, Veranstaltungsort und mit seinem Mittagstisch auch "MehringHof-Kantine" - hervorgegangen aus der legendären Kollektivkneipe "Spectrum", dem späteren "EX" - war von Anfang an im MehringHof dabei und ist seit 1985 eine Instanz in Berlin. Der MehringHof lebt - Tag und Nacht. Zu bestaunen ist dies bei den zahlreichen Veranstaltungen im Haus, im Buchladen Schwarze Risse, im MehringHof-Theater oder im Clash.

Auch soziale Projekte, Initiativen und Vereine haben hier ihren festen Platz: Etwa das Medibüro Berlin, das Menschen ohne Aufenthaltsstatus und ohne Krankenversicherung anonyme und kostenlose medizinische Behandlung vermittelt, die ambulanten Dienste, die persönliche Assistenz für chronisch kranke und behinderte Menschen organisieren, der AOB - Arbeitskreis Orientierungs- und Bildungshilfe e.V., bei dem Jugendliche und Erwachsene Lesen und Schreiben lernen können, dem Kälteschutz für Obdachlose oder Tauwetter e.V. als Anlaufstelle, für Männer*, die sexualisierter Gewalt ausgesetzt waren.

Auf der SfE - Schule für Erwachsenenbildung kann Mensch sich auf die Prüfungen für das Abitur und die Mittlere Reife vorbereiten und beim Tu’ng Dojo e.V. Karate und Ju Jutsu trainieren. In dem großen Archiv des FDCL ist fast alles über Lateinamerika zu finden und die Lateinamerika Nachrichten informieren seit 1973 über Lateinamerika.


Space, events


Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)



Museum of Otto Weidt's Workshop for the Blind

Museum — Otto Weidt was the owner of a workshop in Berlin for the blind and deaf. As a young man, he was organized in the anarchist worker's movement. During the Holocaust, he fought to protect his Jewish workers against deportation. Admission free


Otto Weidt was the owner of a workshop in Berlin for the blind and deaf. As a young man, he was organized in the anarchist worker's movement. During the Holocaust, he fought to protect his Jewish workers against deportation.

Admission free




Rosenthaler Straße 39
First courtyard, entrance left
10178 Berlin-Mitte





Open: From Monday to Sunday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM. December 24: closed.
Wheelchair access: unlimited (Alle Räume inkl. Toilette mit Fahrstuhl erreichbar)
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)
Phone: +49 30 28 59 94 07


Second-Hand-bookshop — Books across the board with a focus on political stuff, crime novels, poetry/theater and books in English. The second-hand bookshop Müßiggang is part of the store project Assoziation 14a, which also offers advice, among other things. Consultations take place in separate rooms adjacent to the bookshop.


Books across the board with a focus on political stuff, crime novels, poetry/theater and books in English.

The second-hand bookshop Müßiggang is part of the store project Assoziation 14a, which also offers advice, among other things. Consultations take place in separate rooms adjacent to the bookshop.


Oranienstr. 14a
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg





Open: From Monday to Friday: 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: limited

Nachrichtenpool Lateinamerika e.V. (NPLA)

Group — Since 1991, the Latin American News Pool (NPLA) has been reporting on small and large events on the other side of the Atlantic: elections and election fraud in Mexico, rap musicians, and youth gangs in Bogotá, or the brutal persecution and struggle of transsexuals in Guatemala. With the press service poonal and the radio projects onda and matraca we want to connect the continents. In doing so, we build on close cooperation with alternative news agencies and grassroots radio stations from both worlds. Latin American correspondents and German authors produce contributions for independent radio stations and public radio. Since 2004, Latin Americans from Berlin have also been reporting for grassroots radio stations in the Spanish-speaking world. The news, articles, and radio reports can be read and listened to free of charge on the NPLA homepage.


Since 1991, the Latin American News Pool (NPLA) has been reporting on small and large events on the other side of the Atlantic: elections and election fraud in Mexico, rap musicians, and youth gangs in Bogotá, or the brutal persecution and struggle of transsexuals in Guatemala.

With the press service poonal and the radio projects onda and matraca we want to connect the continents. In doing so, we build on close cooperation with alternative news agencies and grassroots radio stations from both worlds.

Latin American correspondents and German authors produce contributions for independent radio stations and public radio. Since 2004, Latin Americans from Berlin have also been reporting for grassroots radio stations in the Spanish-speaking world.

The news, articles, and radio reports can be read and listened to free of charge on the NPLA homepage.


Radio, podcasts, information, online archive


Nachrichtenpool Lateinamerika e.V.
Köpenicker Str. 187/188
10997 Berlin




* Poonal (news agency)
* Onda (radio news)
* Matraca (radio news - Spanish)

Netzwerk Selbsthilfe

Förderkreis der politischen Selbsthilfe. — Das Netzwerk entstand im Zuge des Tunix-Kongresses 1978 aus der Idee heraus den Berufsverboten der 70er Jahren etwas entgegen zu setzen. Betroffene sollten auf ein Selbsthilfenetzwerk auf Basis der Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Selbstverwaltung und genossenschaftlicher Arbeitsweise zurückgreifen können. Das Netzwerk ist Begründer eines solidarischen Förderfonds, der durch seine Mitglieder getragen wird. So können Projekte gefördert und unterstützt werden, die sich für eine solidarische und lebenswerte Gesellschaft einsetzen. Die Verwirklichung des politischen Anspruchs auf Selbstorganisation und für einander Einstehens ist weiterhin unser zukunftsträchtiges Anliegen. Der durch Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden gespeiste Förderfonds unterstützt Projekte und Initiativen, welche Formen des mit- und füreinander Lebens ausprobieren, politische, soziale und kulturelle Bewegungen anstoßen, sich für den Kiez, für Flüchtlinge, für eine alternative Jugendkultur, für Kollektivstrukturen, für Hausprojekte und gegen Rechtsextremismus, gegen Sozialabbau und Stadtumstrukturierung im Sinne der Wohlhabenen einsetzen?–?und das alles außerhalb von staatlichen Institutionen, selbstorganisiert und unabhängig.
Förderkreis der politischen Selbsthilfe.


Das Netzwerk entstand im Zuge des Tunix-Kongresses 1978 aus der Idee heraus den Berufsverboten der 70er Jahren etwas entgegen zu setzen. Betroffene sollten auf ein Selbsthilfenetzwerk auf Basis der Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Selbstverwaltung und genossenschaftlicher Arbeitsweise zurückgreifen können.

Das Netzwerk ist Begründer eines solidarischen Förderfonds, der durch seine Mitglieder getragen wird. So können Projekte gefördert und unterstützt werden, die sich für eine solidarische und lebenswerte Gesellschaft einsetzen. Die Verwirklichung des politischen Anspruchs auf Selbstorganisation und für einander Einstehens ist weiterhin unser zukunftsträchtiges Anliegen.

Der durch Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden gespeiste Förderfonds unterstützt Projekte und Initiativen, welche Formen des mit- und füreinander Lebens ausprobieren, politische, soziale und kulturelle Bewegungen anstoßen, sich für den Kiez, für Flüchtlinge, für eine alternative Jugendkultur, für Kollektivstrukturen, für Hausprojekte und gegen Rechtsextremismus, gegen Sozialabbau und Stadtumstrukturierung im Sinne der Wohlhabenen einsetzen?–?und das alles außerhalb von staatlichen Institutionen, selbstorganisiert und unabhängig.


Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)




Open: On Monday: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. From Tuesday to Thursday: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Phone: +49 30 6913072


Demokratische Schule — Demokratische Schule. Eine Initiative des Vereins Netzwerk Spiel/Kultur Prenzlauer Berg e.V.
Demokratische Schule


Demokratische Schule. Eine Initiative des Vereins Netzwerk Spiel/Kultur Prenzlauer Berg e.V.


Marchlewskistr. 40
10243 Berlin




Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK)

Medien — The neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK), founded with a grass-roots structure in 1969, is today one of Germany’s most significant and largest art societies. The unique structure of the nGbK enables its members to directly influence its thematic orientation: exhibitions, interventions, research projects, event series and publications are developed in interdisciplinary project groups and supervised from the initial idea to the final implementation. Themes such as racism, National Socialism and urban politics are negotiated time and again, with a further focus placed on (post)migrant, (post)colonial and gender issues. Topical discourses and debates are openly discussed and reflected upon in a timely manner. Art is understood as a form of action that has an impact on social processes.


The neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK), founded with a grass-roots structure in 1969, is today one of Germany’s most significant and largest art societies. The unique structure of the nGbK enables its members to directly influence its thematic orientation: exhibitions, interventions, research projects, event series and publications are developed in interdisciplinary project groups and supervised from the initial idea to the final implementation.

Themes such as racism, National Socialism and urban politics are negotiated time and again, with a further focus placed on (post)migrant, (post)colonial and gender issues. Topical discourses and debates are openly discussed and reflected upon in a timely manner. Art is understood as a form of action that has an impact on social processes.


Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 11/13
10178 Berlin





Open: Di-So 12-18, Fr 12-20
Wheelchair access: unlimited

New Yorck 59

Space for many projects — House project and space for many, many groups. We are part of the "Initiative Zukunft Bethanien" (IZB), which is organizing the citizens' petition against the privatization of Bethanien and for an open cultural, political and social center from below. As NewYorck59, we see the future of Bethanien in an open, self-organized meeting place for people from the neighbourhood, with affordable spaces for initiatives and groups and a lively culture of exchange and self-determination. History: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorck59
Space for many projects


House project and space for many, many groups.

We are part of the "Initiative Zukunft Bethanien" (IZB), which is organizing the citizens' petition against the privatization of Bethanien and for an open cultural, political and social center from below.

As NewYorck59, we see the future of Bethanien in an open, self-organized meeting place for people from the neighbourhood, with affordable spaces for initiatives and groups and a lively culture of exchange and self-determination.

History: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorck59


Büros in der Projekt- und Veranstaltungsetage, Veranstaltungen, Kontakte zu Gruppen


Mariannenplatz 2a
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Bethanien - linker Seitenflügel




Wed, Oct 23 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Zusammentragen solidarischer Angebote

Mon, Oct 28 8:00 PM Anarchistisches Infocafé

NFJ Laden (Naturfreundejugend)

Linker Jugendverband — We are a non-partisan, left-wing youth association in which young people engage in self-organized politics that are critical of domination. We deal with topics such as nationalism, racism, sexism, capitalism and anti-Semitism and organize seminars, events, campaigns and trips on these topics. The Naturfreunde Jugend has its origins in the workers' movement at the beginning of the 20th century. "Giving working people from gray cities access to nature" was the goal of the Naturfreunde over 100 years ago. They combined emancipated leisure activities with socio-political demands for better living and working conditions.
Linker Jugendverband


We are a non-partisan, left-wing youth association in which young people engage in self-organized politics that are critical of domination. We deal with topics such as nationalism, racism, sexism, capitalism and anti-Semitism and organize seminars, events, campaigns and trips on these topics.

The Naturfreunde Jugend has its origins in the workers' movement at the beginning of the 20th century. "Giving working people from gray cities access to nature" was the goal of the Naturfreunde over 100 years ago. They combined emancipated leisure activities with socio-political demands for better living and working conditions.




Weichselstr. 13
12045 Berlin





Open: From Tuesday to Wednesday and on Friday: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: unlimited
Phone: +49 30 32532770


Café/Bar — In the 80s, the OffenBar was called "Shizzo" and was one of the first punk - bars in Berlin, where a lot of celebrities met.


In the 80s, the OffenBar was called "Shizzo" and was one of the first punk - bars in Berlin, where a lot of celebrities met.


Hauptstraße 80b
12159 Berlin



open daily starting from 6 pm


Open: From Monday to Thursday and on Sunday: 5:00 PM – 3:00 AM. From Friday to Saturday: 5:00 PM – 4:00 AM.
Wheelchair access: limited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: +49 174 8786531


linker Buchladen — linker Buchladen
linker Buchladen


linker Buchladen


Medien. Bücher.


Oranienstr. 21
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg





Open: From Monday to Friday: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM. On Saturday: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 615 2226


internat. Jugend-/Kultur- und Bildungszentrum — internat. Jugend-/Kultur- und Bildungszentrum
internat. Jugend-/Kultur- und Bildungszentrum


internat. Jugend-/Kultur- und Bildungszentrum


Engeldamm 68
10179 Berlin
(U8 Heinrich-Heine-Strasse)


Open Space

Ort. — Open Space Berlin is an internationally networked platform of artists from the fields of performance art, theater and visual arts. The focus is on interaction in public space with artistic actions. Away from the mainstream, Open Space organizes festivals, performances and exhibitions.


Open Space Berlin is an internationally networked platform of artists from the fields of performance art, theater and visual arts. The focus is on interaction in public space with artistic actions. Away from the mainstream, Open Space organizes festivals, performances and exhibitions.


Archiv und Bibliothek — Der Verein 'KuKuCKs-Bibliothek e.V.' ist am 24. August 1984 mit dem Zweck der Förderung der politischen Bildungsarbeit gegründet worden. "Wissen, das von bestehenden Institutionen kaum oder nicht genügend beachtet wird, soll einer überwiegend bildungsfernen Schicht zugänglich gemacht werden". (Auszug aus der Satzung) Der Verein 'Ku-Bi e.V.' unterhält den 'Papiertiger - Archiv & Bibliothek für soziale Bewegungen' für den oben genannten Vereinszweck. Ferner betreibt der Verein ein Antiquariat mit Versandbuchhandel zur Finanzierung der Vereinszwecke.
Archiv und Bibliothek


Der Verein 'KuKuCKs-Bibliothek e.V.' ist am 24. August 1984 mit dem Zweck der Förderung der politischen Bildungsarbeit gegründet worden.
"Wissen, das von bestehenden Institutionen kaum oder nicht genügend beachtet wird, soll einer überwiegend bildungsfernen Schicht zugänglich gemacht werden". (Auszug aus der Satzung)

Der Verein 'Ku-Bi e.V.' unterhält den 'Papiertiger - Archiv & Bibliothek für soziale Bewegungen' für den oben genannten Vereinszweck. Ferner betreibt der Verein ein Antiquariat mit Versandbuchhandel zur Finanzierung der Vereinszwecke.


Archiv und Bibliothek


Cuvrystr. 25
10997 Berlin
U-Bahn: Schlesisches Tor (U1)




Open: On Monday and on Thursday: 2:30 PM – 6:00 PM.
Phone: +49306183051

Perspektive Selbstverwaltung

anarchist group — Perspektive Selbstverwaltung (PS) is an anarchist organization that was founded in mid-2019. It is organized into sections and working groups that address issues such as economic inequality, housing, the destruction of the planet, social isolation, health care and international relations and solidarity. To this end, PS is networked with other groups and organizations in Berlin and outside the city. With these, it sometimes organizes events, protests or anti-authoritarian blocs in cross-current demos.
anarchist group


Perspektive Selbstverwaltung (PS) is an anarchist organization that was founded in mid-2019. It is organized into sections and working groups that address issues such as economic inequality, housing, the destruction of the planet, social isolation, health care and international relations and solidarity.

To this end, PS is networked with other groups and organizations in Berlin and outside the city. With these, it sometimes organizes events, protests or anti-authoritarian blocs in cross-current demos.


texts, events


Place. — The Potse is a self-organized youth center. Here, resistant and punky youth culture meets anti-fascist political work. Potse had to leave their space in Potsdamer Straße 180 in 2021 and is now in Zollgarage, Columbiadamm 10.


The Potse is a self-organized youth center. Here, resistant and punky youth culture meets anti-fascist political work.

Potse had to leave their space in Potsdamer Straße 180 in 2021 and is now in Zollgarage, Columbiadamm 10.




Columbiadamm 10
12101 Berlin (Tempelhof-Schöneberg)





Wheelchair access: unlimited


Thu, Oct 31 6:00 PM Halloween Punkrock Tresen

Project space H48

Place. Space for emancipatory movement in the neighbourhood. — We want to provide a space for people who are creating and developing (neighbourhood) projects aimed at improving the lives of the people involved - free of pressure to buy or consume. Here people can meet, act on stage, watch films, just talk or knock back tasty cocktails. Of course the place is also available for people organising demonstrations, for group meetings, or for making banners and having discussions. We wanted to open up a space in northern Neukölln where people sharing an emancipatory stance can meet, relax and have fun. We want to be part of an emancipatory structure and use networking, the exchange of information and new ideas to oppose the social mainstream here in the area.
Place. Space for emancipatory movement in the neighbourhood.


We want to provide a space for people who are creating and developing (neighbourhood) projects aimed at improving the lives of the people involved - free of pressure to buy or consume. Here people can meet, act on stage, watch films, just talk or knock back tasty cocktails.

Of course the place is also available for people organising demonstrations, for group meetings, or for making banners and having discussions.

We wanted to open up a space in northern Neukölln where people sharing an emancipatory stance can meet, relax and have fun. We want to be part of an emancipatory structure and use networking, the exchange of information and new ideas to oppose the social mainstream here in the area.


Open Spaces:

Following usage is possible (and even more if you ask ;-] )

* one-off public events (lectures, information events, meetings)
* regular public events
(theatre groups, cinema, regular information events)
* one-off closed events (sleeping places, closed groups, internal group meetings)
* regular closed events (internal group meetings, working groups, rehearsals)


Hermannstr. 48
12049 Berlin-Neukölln
2nd backhouse, 1st floor




Wheelchair access: unlimited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)

Projektgruppe Schwarz-Bunte-Seiten Berlin

project group — Project group for this page. :) We could need some helping hands.
project group


Project group for this page. :) We could need some helping hands.

Radical Queer Wagenplatz KANAL

Wagenplatz — Kanal is a Transfeminist Queer Wagenplatz, a registered charitable Association for Education and Empowerment, located in Berlin, Neukölln. We are a diverse and international group of people coming from different life experiences and backgrounds as marginalized people. We are migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and volunteers from working class families. As a community space, we offer residence and project space by and for women, queer, lesbian, trans and intersex people to live here, run workshops, and / or realise projects. The majority of us are Black, Indigenous People of Color (PoC) migrants


Kanal is a Transfeminist Queer Wagenplatz, a registered charitable Association for Education and Empowerment, located in Berlin, Neukölln. We are a diverse and international group of people coming from different life experiences and backgrounds as marginalized people. We are migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and volunteers from working class families. As a community space, we offer residence and project space by and for women, queer, lesbian, trans and intersex people to live here, run workshops, and / or realise projects. The majority of us are Black, Indigenous People of Color (PoC) migrants


Kiefholzstraße 74
12057 Berlin-Treptow




Radio Aktiv Berlin

Radio — Radio broadcasts with a focus on supporting worldwide prisoner struggles and political/social disputes in Berlin.


Radio broadcasts with a focus on supporting worldwide prisoner struggles and political/social disputes in Berlin.




Bar, Punk-Transen-Shows, tanzbare Musik. — Die "perversen Homoratten und deren Freundinnen" haben eine Vorliebe für feuchte, tageslichtfreie Keller mit gepflegtem Ex-Hausbesetzer-Ambiente. Dort empfangen wir Sie zu gewöhnungsbedürftigen Shows voller Trashexzesse, natürlich dargeboten von den bekanntesten Alkoholikern der Stadt. Die Stimmung schwankt dabei regelmäßig zwischen Entsetzen und Gemütlichkeit. Zweifelhafte Berühmtheit erlangte inzwischen der kollektiveigene Rattenchor, der mit seinen vielstimmigen Interpretationen der Kirchenchor-Top-Ten und DDR-Arbeiterkampflieder den trendsettenden Homosexuellen einige Rätsel aufgibt. Zu vorgerückter Stunde tanzen viertklassige Räkeldamen auf dem Tresen, während Tunten regelmäßig Punks und Glatzen beim Armdrücken deklassieren. Die verqueren Barschlampen, die für umme hinterm Tresen stehen, geraten dabei regelmäßig in Verzückung.
Bar, Punk-Transen-Shows, tanzbare Musik.


Die "perversen Homoratten und deren Freundinnen" haben eine Vorliebe für feuchte, tageslichtfreie Keller mit gepflegtem Ex-Hausbesetzer-Ambiente. Dort empfangen wir Sie zu gewöhnungsbedürftigen Shows voller Trashexzesse, natürlich dargeboten von den bekanntesten Alkoholikern der Stadt. Die Stimmung schwankt dabei regelmäßig zwischen Entsetzen und Gemütlichkeit.
Zweifelhafte Berühmtheit erlangte inzwischen der kollektiveigene Rattenchor, der mit seinen vielstimmigen Interpretationen der Kirchenchor-Top-Ten und DDR-Arbeiterkampflieder den trendsettenden Homosexuellen einige Rätsel aufgibt.
Zu vorgerückter Stunde tanzen viertklassige Räkeldamen auf dem Tresen, während Tunten regelmäßig Punks und Glatzen beim Armdrücken deklassieren. Die verqueren Barschlampen, die für umme hinterm Tresen stehen, geraten dabei regelmäßig in Verzückung.


Findet mal hier mal dort statt..., Berlin



ReachOut Berlin

Counselling centre for victims of rightwing extremist, racist or anti-Semitic violence — ReachOut is a counselling centre for victims of rightwing extremist, racist or anti-Semitic violence in Berlin. * We also support and counsel family members or victims' friends and people who have witnessed an assault. * The situation and the perspective of the victims are of central importance for ReachOut. * ReachOut offers anti racist, intercultural workshops and trainings. * ReachOut collects informations on right-wing extremist, racist and anti-Semitic assaults in Berlin and publishes a chronicle of the attacks.
Counselling centre for victims of rightwing extremist, racist or anti-Semitic violence


ReachOut is a counselling centre for victims of rightwing extremist, racist or anti-Semitic violence in Berlin.

* We also support and counsel family members or victims' friends and people who have witnessed an assault.
* The situation and the perspective of the victims are of central importance for ReachOut.
* ReachOut offers anti racist, intercultural workshops and trainings.
* ReachOut collects informations on right-wing extremist, racist and anti-Semitic assaults in Berlin and publishes a chronicle of the attacks.


Counselling and emotional support after an assault (psychosocial, legal, political)
A companion service to accompany victims to the police, the authorities, the court hearings, to doctors etc.


Kopernikusstr. 23 (Hinterhaus 2. Etage)
10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain


Tel.: 030 / 69 56 83 39

Real Deal Records

Media. Anarchist Record Shop and Infoshop — Our shop was founded on June 2, 1997. Currently there are three of us here going through the ups (very few at the moment) and downs (a lot) of the punk rock business... We have quite a large range of all kinds of punk music, a bit of hardcore and ska and a lot of stuff which is hard to define especially from the Basque country and Spain. Its important for us that we can stand behind the music we have in the shop: punk is not just music, but an active confrontation with the dominant shit around us! That means we do not want to reduce ourselves simply to a punk ghetto, but instead we offer other decent stuff, too. We always try to provide information on political developments, you'll almost always find the Antifa-Info, Interim, Profane Existence, current flyers, posters and the like here ? but no right-wing, patriotic, sexist and other crap. But, since we do can not know everything, we rely on your information as well. You will also never find shit like the Böhse Onkelz, Rammstein, Backfire, Type O Negative, Reducers SF and Earth Crisis is out of the question, whatever our financial situation. Its especially important for us to offer fair prices, even though we have to survive in a capitalist world in which taxes and rents are high. So, instead of complaining, ask us why certain LPs, CDs or tapes cost so much ? normally it is not our fault! We are not a commercial project - on the contrary, most of what we do is more or less voluntary...
Media. Anarchist Record Shop and Infoshop


Our shop was founded on June 2, 1997. Currently there are three of us here going through the ups (very few at the moment) and downs (a lot) of the punk rock business... We have quite a large range of all kinds of punk music, a bit of hardcore and ska and a lot of stuff which is hard to define especially from the Basque country and Spain. Its important for us that we can stand behind the music we have in the shop: punk is not just music, but an active confrontation with the dominant shit around us! That means we do not want to reduce ourselves simply to a punk ghetto, but instead we offer other decent stuff, too. We always try to provide information on political developments, you'll almost always find the Antifa-Info, Interim, Profane Existence, current flyers, posters and the like here ? but no right-wing, patriotic, sexist and other crap. But, since we do can not know everything, we rely on your information as well. You will also never find shit like the Böhse Onkelz, Rammstein, Backfire, Type O Negative, Reducers SF and Earth Crisis is out of the question, whatever our financial situation. Its especially important for us to offer fair prices, even though we have to survive in a capitalist world in which taxes and rents are high. So, instead of complaining, ask us why certain LPs, CDs or tapes cost so much ? normally it is not our fault! We are not a commercial project - on the contrary, most of what we do is more or less voluntary...


Gneisenaustr. 60
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg




Rebellisches Berlin

Historical City Tours — Rebellisches Berlin offers three different tours: * Revolutionary Berlin - a historical tour * Berlin 1848 * Courageous Women Places get connected with diverse episodes of "protest from below" of different historical epochs.
Historical City Tours


Rebellisches Berlin offers three different tours:

* Revolutionary Berlin - a historical tour
* Berlin 1848
* Courageous Women

Places get connected with diverse episodes of "protest from below" of different historical epochs.


* historical background information that often gets skiped in history schoolbooks
* links and reading recommendations

Red & Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) Berlin / Brandenburg

Anarchist skinhead group — Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) is the largest association of communist and anarchist skinheads with many local and national chapters worldwide. RASH was founded in 1993 by members of the (now defunct) Mayday Crew New York after anti-racist but homophobic skinheads murdered a homosexual. They wanted to speak out clearly against homophobia, xenophobia, racism, fascism, and capitalism. In the German-speaking world, they were organized around the magazine Revolution Times. Today the fanzine Red&Black of the RASH section Berlin-Brandenburg takes this place. (Source: Wikipedia)
Anarchist skinhead group


Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) is the largest association of communist and anarchist skinheads with many local and national chapters worldwide. RASH was founded in 1993 by members of the (now defunct) Mayday Crew New York after anti-racist but homophobic skinheads murdered a homosexual. They wanted to speak out clearly against homophobia, xenophobia, racism, fascism, and capitalism. In the German-speaking world, they were organized around the magazine Revolution Times. Today the fanzine Red&Black of the RASH section Berlin-Brandenburg takes this place.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Regenbogenfabrik Block 109 e.V.

Kinder-, Kultur- und Nachbarschaftszentrum — The Rainbow Factory is a children's, cultural and neighborhood center in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Occupied in 1981, we still see ourselves as part of the housing and tenant movement and are committed to building and maintaining self-governing, collective and emancipatory structures from below. As a collective, we work without bosses and make decisions collaboratively and democratically based on the consensus principle. Solidarity and cooperation form the basis of our joint work. For the Rainbow Factory, every work is worth the same, so every work is paid equally. The Rainbow Factory was declared a monument in 1998.
Kinder-, Kultur- und Nachbarschaftszentrum


The Rainbow Factory is a children's, cultural and neighborhood center in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Occupied in 1981, we still see ourselves as part of the housing and tenant movement and are committed to building and maintaining self-governing, collective and emancipatory structures from below.

As a collective, we work without bosses and make decisions collaboratively and democratically based on the consensus principle. Solidarity and cooperation form the basis of our joint work. For the Rainbow Factory, every work is worth the same, so every work is paid equally.

The Rainbow Factory was declared a monument in 1998.


- Hostel
- bicycle workshop
- cateen
- caffee shop
- wood workshop
- kita
- information office


Lausitzer Str. 22a, 1. Hinterhaus
10999 Berlin
Görlitzer Bahnhof, Kottbusser Tor, M29, N44




Open: On Monday: 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM. On Tuesday: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM. On Wednesday: 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM. On Thursday: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM. On Friday: 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM. On Sunday: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: limited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: +49 30 69579513

Rosa Rose

A community garden in Berlin-Friedrichshain — We are a neighborly community garden in Berlin-Friedrichshain. Everyone who wants to join our community is welcome! We want to make gardening in the city possible regardless of financial means and ownership. We grow vegetables, fruit and ornamental plants on a public green space in Jessnerstraße. A few benches and small grassy areas invite you to linger.
A community garden in Berlin-Friedrichshain


We are a neighborly community garden in Berlin-Friedrichshain. Everyone who wants to join our community is welcome!

We want to make gardening in the city possible regardless of financial means and ownership. We grow vegetables, fruit and ornamental plants on a public green space in Jessnerstraße. A few benches and small grassy areas invite you to linger.


Zugang über die Jessnerstraße 3 oder 13
10247 Berlin-Friedrichshain




Rote Insel

party space — No cops, no nazis, no racists, no sexists, no trans-/homophobes. trying to become a safer / braver space
party space


No cops, no nazis, no racists, no sexists, no trans-/homophobes.

trying to become a safer / braver space


Mansteinstr. 10
10783 Berlin-Schöneberg



Wed, Oct 23 8:00 PM ???? Spieleabend ???? Gamenight ????

Fri, Oct 25 8:00 PM Soliparty


Vereinscafé — non-commercial space with a squatter history


non-commercial space with a squatter history


Samariterstr. 32
10247 Berlin-Friedrichshain





Open: Mo-Sa 20:00+
Wheelchair access: no

SBZ Krähenfuß ("die Krähe")

Selbstverwaltetes Café — Selbstverwaltetes Café im Ostflügel des Hauptgebäudes der Humboldt-Uni. Das studentische Begegnungszentrum Krähenfuß ist ein von Studentinnen und Studenten selbstverwalteter Treffpunkt. Hier kannst du Leute treffen, Party feiern, Kaffeetrinken, Seminare vorbereiten, Pläne schmieden...
Selbstverwaltetes Café


Selbstverwaltetes Café im Ostflügel des Hauptgebäudes der Humboldt-Uni.
Das studentische Begegnungszentrum Krähenfuß ist ein von Studentinnen und Studenten selbstverwalteter Treffpunkt. Hier kannst du Leute treffen, Party feiern, Kaffeetrinken, Seminare vorbereiten, Pläne schmieden...




In der HU, Unter den Linden 6




Wheelchair access: unlimited (Das studentische Café ist im Erdgeschoss der HU. Daneben ist eine rollstuhlgerechte Toilette.)


self-organized house project — We are a colorful bunch of creative and politically interested individuals of all ages. We want to live and work collectively, undogmatically, and free of hierarchies. We purchased our building in 2010 to keep it out of speculation of the property market. Our street is located in the district of Berlin – Wedding, increasingly marked by gentrification.
self-organized house project


We are a colorful bunch of creative and politically interested individuals of all ages. We want to live and work collectively, undogmatically, and free of hierarchies.

We purchased our building in 2010 to keep it out of speculation of the property market. Our street is located in the district of Berlin – Wedding, increasingly marked by gentrification.


Kiez kitchen, event rooms, band rehearsal rooms, sports room, bicycle workshop, screen printing workshop, climbing wall


Schererstr 8
13347 Berlin





Open: On Sunday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM.


Sun, Oct 27 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Nov 03 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Nov 10 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Nov 17 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Nov 24 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Dec 01 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Dec 08 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Dec 15 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Dec 22 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8

Sun, Dec 29 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM INFOLADEN SCHERER 8


Selbstverwaltetes Kunst- und Kulturprojekt — Schokoladen e.V. is one of the last oasis in a district that is characterized by increasingly commercial structures. Artists and small producers have set up and maintained a self-managed art and culture project in the premises they rent. The structure of the building still reflects the initial idea of the founders: the combination of art and life.
Selbstverwaltetes Kunst- und Kulturprojekt


Schokoladen e.V. is one of the last oasis in a district that is characterized by increasingly commercial structures. Artists and small producers have set up and maintained a self-managed art and culture project in the premises they rent.

The structure of the building still reflects the initial idea of the founders: the combination of art and life.


Ackerstr. 169
10115 Berlin-Mitte
(U-Bhf. Rosenthaler Platz)




Open: From Tuesday to Thursday: 7:00 PM – 2:00 AM. From Friday to Saturday: 7:00 PM – 3:00 AM.
Wheelchair access: limited
Toilets: yes
Phone: +49 30 2826527


Tue, Oct 22 7:00 PM Konzert

Wed, Oct 23 7:00 PM Konzert

Thu, Oct 24 7:00 PM Konzert

Fri, Oct 25 7:00 PM Konzert

Tue, Oct 29 7:00 PM Konzert

Wed, Oct 30 7:00 PM Konzert

Thu, Oct 31 7:00 PM Konzert

Fri, Nov 01 7:00 PM Konzert

Sat, Nov 02 7:00 PM Konzert

Sun, Nov 03 7:00 PM Party

Schwarze Risse (im Mehringhof)

Bookshop collective — The bookstore Schwarze Risse is a self-managed collective and has been located in Mehringhof since 1980. The bookstore sees itself as part of a left-wing public sphere and infrastructure in the city.
Bookshop collective


The bookstore Schwarze Risse is a self-managed collective and has been located in Mehringhof since 1980. The bookstore sees itself as part of a left-wing public sphere and infrastructure in the city.




Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)




Open: From Monday to Friday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM. On Saturday: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM. On public holidays: closed.
Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +49 30 6928779

Schwester Martha (ex-Rxxxhaus)

Location with history — Rxxxhaus is now called Schwester Martha. History of the location: The famous Rauchhaus, one of the first squats in Germany, was the second successful attempt at squatting in Berlin. An industrial site at Mariannenplatz 13 had been occupied only a couple of months before. Now more than 35 years later, Rauchhaus is probably the oldest squat in Berlin which is still run autonomously.
Location with history


Rxxxhaus is now called Schwester Martha.

History of the location: The famous Rauchhaus, one of the first squats in Germany, was the second successful attempt at squatting in Berlin. An industrial site at Mariannenplatz 13 had been occupied only a couple of months before. Now more than 35 years later, Rauchhaus is probably the oldest squat in Berlin which is still run autonomously.


Rooms, food, events


Mariannenplatz 1A
10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg




Selbstverwaltete Schule für Erwachsenenbildung (SfE)

Schule — The SfE - School for Adult Education - is an alternative second-chance school that prepares students for the general higher education entrance qualification or the intermediate school leaving certificate. It is self-managed by students and teachers and, due to its emancipatory concept, enables self-determined learning without grades. The examination is taken externally by a state examination board after an appropriate preparation period.


The SfE - School for Adult Education - is an alternative second-chance school that prepares students for the general higher education entrance qualification or the intermediate school leaving certificate. It is self-managed by students and teachers and, due to its emancipatory concept, enables self-determined learning without grades. The examination is taken externally by a state examination board after an appropriate preparation period.


Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Mehringdamm)




Sexpositiver, feministischer Laden und Salon — Sexclusivitäten is a feminist one-woman enterprise the declared mission of which, is to promote the sexual health and well-being of all by assuring access to sexual goods and information.
Sexpositiver, feministischer Laden und Salon


Sexclusivitäten is a feminist one-woman enterprise the declared mission of which, is to promote the sexual health and well-being of all by assuring access to sexual goods and information.


advice, events, sex-toys


Fürbringerstr. 2
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg




queer bar — Silverfuture opened 2007. Since then kings, queens and criminal queers and their friends from Berlin and all over the world hang out there.
queer bar


Silverfuture opened 2007. Since then kings, queens and criminal queers and their friends from Berlin and all over the world hang out there.


Weserstr 206
12047 Berlin-Neukölln
U Hermannplatz




Open: From Monday to Thursday and on Sunday: 5:00 PM – 2:00 AM. From Friday to Saturday: 5:00 PM – 3:00 AM.
Wheelchair access: limited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: +49 30 23900855


Club — The venue of SO 36 at Heinrichplatz does not coincidentally bear the name of the old postal code for Kreuzberg; in this space rich in tradition, a vibrant present meets a compelling past. This atmosphere is reflected in the programming at SO 36. The hall offers space for newcomers, sounds beyond those of the charts and the mainstream, as well as events and shows by all kinds of projects. Earlier, punk music dominated, while today also metal, hip-hop, crossover, techno, and drum ?n? base are to be found. But concerts and discos are only one part of the event programming. Panel discussions, public readings, and political fundraisers are just as much a part, like neighborhood bingo and karaoke nights, the ballroom dancing in ?Café Fatal?, or the oriental gay party ?Gayhane?. Meanwhile, a creative gay and lesbian cultural scene with a constantly growing audience has established itself at SO 36. The SO 36 team is just as diverse as its events. People from various groups and with different backgrounds have started the attempt to build bridges. Together they run SO 36 as the organization Sub Opus 36 e.V. (non-profit organization), which sees itself first and foremost as an initiator and supporter of cultural events. The organization also provides space for events for other cultural, social, and political projects. The crowd at SO 36 is composed, like the organization, of people of various age groups, cultural scenes, sexual orientations, of disabled and able-bodied, people of different ethnicities and subcultures together. As an influential cultural institution, SO 36 is also relevant beyond the borders of Kreuzberg, and it is impossible to imagine Berlin night life without the venue on Oranienstraße as innovator and crowd magnet.


The venue of SO 36 at Heinrichplatz does not coincidentally bear the name of the old postal code for Kreuzberg; in this space rich in tradition, a vibrant present meets a compelling past. This atmosphere is reflected in the programming at SO 36.

The hall offers space for newcomers, sounds beyond those of the charts and the mainstream, as well as events and shows by all kinds of projects. Earlier, punk music dominated, while today also metal, hip-hop, crossover, techno, and drum ?n? base are to be found. But concerts and discos are only one part of the event programming. Panel discussions, public readings, and political fundraisers are just as much a part, like neighborhood bingo and karaoke nights, the ballroom dancing in ?Café Fatal?, or the oriental gay party ?Gayhane?. Meanwhile, a creative gay and lesbian cultural scene with a constantly growing audience has established itself at SO 36. The SO 36 team is just as diverse as its events. People from various groups and with different backgrounds have started the attempt to build bridges.

Together they run SO 36 as the organization Sub Opus 36 e.V. (non-profit organization), which sees itself first and foremost as an initiator and supporter of cultural events. The organization also provides space for events for other cultural, social, and political projects.

The crowd at SO 36 is composed, like the organization, of people of various age groups, cultural scenes, sexual orientations, of disabled and able-bodied, people of different ethnicities and subcultures together. As an influential cultural institution, SO 36 is also relevant beyond the borders of Kreuzberg, and it is impossible to imagine Berlin night life without the venue on Oranienstraße as innovator and crowd magnet.


Oranienstr. 190
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg





Open: Je nach Programm
Wheelchair access: unlimited (Rampe am Eingang wird auf Nachfrage hingelegt;Drinnen: Rollstuh auf ein Podest heben zum Konzert schauen)
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)
Phone: +49 30 61401306


Community Provider — so36.net are a few nerds from Kreuzberg* who enjoy and find it important to build and operate self-managed infrastructure for the internet on a voluntary basis. Digitally and locally (IRL™), we are networked with many other political, social and cultural groups. Organizationally, we focus on decentralization and autonomy. We see ourselves as part of a global struggle against exclusion and exploitation and work together to build local and global alternatives to capitalism.
Community Provider


so36.net are a few nerds from Kreuzberg* who enjoy and find it important to build and operate self-managed infrastructure for the internet on a voluntary basis. Digitally and locally (IRL™), we are networked with many other political, social and cultural groups. Organizationally, we focus on decentralization and autonomy.
We see ourselves as part of a global struggle against exclusion and exploitation and work together to build local and global alternatives to capitalism.


Mailing lists, websites, server


Lesbenarchiv e.V. und Bibliothek — The Spinnboden is an 'archive from below', created in and from the lesbian movement of the 1970s, in order to preserve its own history(ies), which are otherwise marginalized in the prevailing politics of remembrance. We document the change and diversity of lesbians' self-understandings, cultures and politics and at the same time offer a place for encounters and discussions. We see the Spinnboden as an inclusive project and want to act with and for women, lesbians and queer people in a discrimination-sensitive and alliance-oriented manner.
Lesbenarchiv e.V. und Bibliothek


The Spinnboden is an 'archive from below', created in and from the lesbian movement of the 1970s, in order to preserve its own history(ies), which are otherwise marginalized in the prevailing politics of remembrance. We document the change and diversity of lesbians' self-understandings, cultures and politics and at the same time offer a place for encounters and discussions. We see the Spinnboden as an inclusive project and want to act with and for women, lesbians and queer people in a discrimination-sensitive and alliance-oriented manner.


Archive + Library


Anklamer Straße 38
10115 Berlin-Mitte
(U8 Bernauerstrasse)




Berlin date book for leftist subculture and politics — Berlin date book for leftist subculture and politics (available on the Internet as well as in a free monthly paper version in many projects)
Berlin date book for leftist subculture and politics


Berlin date book for leftist subculture and politics (available on the Internet as well as in a free monthly paper version in many projects)


Dates and information



c/o Disorder Rebel Store
Mariannenstr. 49
10997 Berlin


The internet and paper editions of the Stress Factor are two separate projects.Please note the different email addresses when contacting us.

only Internet

only paper



Kneipe und Konzerte — The Subversiv is part of the left-wing house project at Brunnenstraße 7 in Berlin-Mitte. Here, around 80 people from a wide range of backgrounds live together collectively in various housing groups. The project emerged from a squat in 1990. In the meantime, living here has been legalized, and the owner has been renovating the building from the ground up for several years. In addition to Subversiv, Brunnenstraße is also home to the Infoladen Stattmitte.
Kneipe und Konzerte


The Subversiv is part of the left-wing house project at Brunnenstraße 7 in Berlin-Mitte. Here, around 80 people from a wide range of backgrounds live together collectively in various housing groups. The project emerged from a squat in 1990. In the meantime, living here has been legalized, and the owner has been renovating the building from the ground up for several years. In addition to Subversiv, Brunnenstraße is also home to the Infoladen Stattmitte.


Brunnenstr. 7 HH
10119 Berlin-Mitte





Fri, Oct 25 5:30 PM - 11:30 PM Expo Angebot

Sat, Nov 02 8:00 PM - Sun, Nov 03 5:00 AM Massive Tamtam - Soliparty


Pub and concerts, café and cake — Event collective. Cultural association. Cabaret theater.
Pub and concerts, café and cake


Event collective. Cultural association. Cabaret theater.


Jessnerstr. 41
10247 Berlin-Friedrichshain
(U + S - Bhf. Frankfurter Allee)





Wheelchair access: limited
Phone: +49 30 29007294


Fri, Oct 25 9:30 PM Konzert

Sat, Oct 26 9:30 PM Konzert

Fri, Nov 01 9:30 PM Konzert

Sat, Nov 02 9:30 PM Konzert

Sun, Nov 03 3:30 PM Kaffee & Kuchen

Fri, Nov 08 9:30 PM Konzert

Fri, Nov 08 9:30 PM Konzert

Sat, Nov 09 9:30 PM Konzert

Fri, Nov 15 9:30 PM Konzert

Fri, Nov 22 9:30 PM Konzert


collective pub — The Syndikat collective pub was founded in 1985, by local residents. It has operated as a collective ever since. The collectivists changed, but the idea and the pub remained as they were. From the very beginning, it was all about self-determined living and working. The pub is an open space for all emancipatory people, whether from Neukölln or elsewhere. Nazis, racists, sexists and the like were and are not tolerated.
collective pub


The Syndikat collective pub was founded in 1985, by local residents. It has operated as a collective ever since. The collectivists changed, but the idea and the pub remained as they were. From the very beginning, it was all about self-determined living and working. The pub is an open space for all emancipatory people, whether from Neukölln or elsewhere. Nazis, racists, sexists and the like were and are not tolerated.


Emser Straße 131
12051 Berlin Neukölln





Open: From Saturday to Sunday: 4:00 PM – 2:00 AM. From Monday to Friday: 6:00 PM – 2:00 AM.
Wheelchair access: limited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: 03075529640


Gift store and event location — The operators see the "Systemfehler" as a political project that is intended to be a platform for solidarity economy and offers space for events from politics, art & culture, e.g. reading circles, language courses, information events, art actions, ...
Gift store and event location


The operators see the "Systemfehler" as a political project that is intended to be a platform for solidarity economy and offers space for events from politics, art & culture, e.g. reading circles, language courses, information events, art actions, ...


gift store, spaces


Jessnerstraße 41
10247 Berlin Friedrichshain





Open: On Tuesday: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM. On Wednesday: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM. On Friday: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Wheelchair access: no
Phone: +493098323736


Sat, Nov 02 1:00 PM Spielecafé

Sat, Dec 07 1:00 PM Spielecafé

tech from below

Tech Meetup — The world is in the midst of drastic crises and it is more important than ever to strengthen left-wing emancipatory movements that fight the climate crisis, capitalist logics of exploitation and global inequalities. tech from below aims to bring people in and from social movements together with tech experts, promote understanding for their respective contexts and break down fears of contact.
Tech Meetup


The world is in the midst of drastic crises and it is more important than ever to strengthen left-wing emancipatory movements that fight the climate crisis, capitalist logics of exploitation and global inequalities.
tech from below aims to bring people in and from social movements together with tech experts, promote understanding for their respective contexts and break down fears of contact.


Jugendladen — Der T.E.K.-Jugendladen arbeitet selbstverwaltet und vertritt die Grundsätze der Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit. Wir fördern Bildung, interkulturelle Begegnungen und vertreten demokratische, antirassistische und emanzipatorische Grundsätze und Prinzipien, um die Vorrausetzungen für ein friedliches und menschliches Miteinander zu schaffen. Ein interkultureller Ansatz, Toleranz bzw. Neugier auf andere und soziales Miteinander dienen der Überwindung von Rassismus. Sexismus und Unterdrückungsmechanismen. Als wichtigstes Ziel unserer pädagogischen Arbeit betrachten wir es, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene zu unterstützen, selbstbestimmte und eigenverantwortliche Persönlichkeiten zu werden und ihnen die Fähigkeiten für ein verantwortungsvolles Zusammenleben zu vermitteln. Der Ansatz, der im Jugendladen verfolgt wird, ist Partizipation im Sinne von Selbstverwaltung. Demnach können die Jugendlichen alle Entscheidungen und Entscheidungsprozesse im Jugendladen mitbestimmen. Sie werden zur Mitwirkung und Beteiligung ermutigt und in die gesamten Organisations- und Angebotsdurchführungen miteinbezogen.


Der T.E.K.-Jugendladen arbeitet selbstverwaltet und vertritt die Grundsätze der Selbstbestimmung und Freiheit. Wir fördern Bildung, interkulturelle Begegnungen und vertreten demokratische, antirassistische und emanzipatorische Grundsätze und Prinzipien, um die Vorrausetzungen für ein friedliches und menschliches Miteinander zu schaffen. Ein interkultureller Ansatz, Toleranz bzw. Neugier auf andere und soziales Miteinander dienen der Überwindung von Rassismus. Sexismus und Unterdrückungsmechanismen.

Als wichtigstes Ziel unserer pädagogischen Arbeit betrachten wir es, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene zu unterstützen, selbstbestimmte und eigenverantwortliche Persönlichkeiten zu werden und ihnen die Fähigkeiten für ein verantwortungsvolles Zusammenleben zu vermitteln.

Der Ansatz, der im Jugendladen verfolgt wird, ist Partizipation im Sinne von Selbstverwaltung. Demnach können die Jugendlichen alle Entscheidungen und Entscheidungsprozesse im Jugendladen mitbestimmen. Sie werden zur Mitwirkung und Beteiligung ermutigt und in die gesamten Organisations- und Angebotsdurchführungen miteinbezogen.


Köpenicker Str. 189
10997 Berlin
(U-Bhf. Schlesisches Tor)




Libertarian journal — The GDR opposition magazine Umweltblätter, which had been published since 1987, was renamed telegraph in 1989. Umweltblätter was published by the East Berlin Environmental Library. This was part of the grassroots peace, environmental and 3rd World movement in the GDR. In the Environmental Library, several young people around the libertarian Wolfgang Rüddenklau tried to counter the state monopoly on information with their own critical reporting. Topics that were taboo in the GDR were addressed, suppressed information and news was disseminated and the various opposition groups in the GDR were offered a platform for discussion. As the last authentic project of the Berlin Environmental Library and thus also of the left-wing GDR opposition, the telegraph still tries to fight for the unrealized goals of the GDR opposition in a relationship of continuity and rupture that has always been characteristic of it. The editors see themselves as part of the extra-parliamentary opposition, not as ex-opposition members and not as victims.
Prenzlauer Berg
Libertarian journal


The GDR opposition magazine Umweltblätter, which had been published since 1987, was renamed telegraph in 1989. Umweltblätter was published by the East Berlin Environmental Library. This was part of the grassroots peace, environmental and 3rd World movement in the GDR. In the Environmental Library, several young people around the libertarian Wolfgang Rüddenklau tried to counter the state monopoly on information with their own critical reporting. Topics that were taboo in the GDR were addressed, suppressed information and news was disseminated and the various opposition groups in the GDR were offered a platform for discussion.

As the last authentic project of the Berlin Environmental Library and thus also of the left-wing GDR opposition, the telegraph still tries to fight for the unrealized goals of the GDR opposition in a relationship of continuity and rupture that has always been characteristic of it. The editors see themselves as part of the extra-parliamentary opposition, not as ex-opposition members and not as victims.




Greifswalder Str. 4
10405 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg





Demokratische Schule — TING is a historical term for popular and court assemblies. Applied to the TING school, this means that the main pillar of the school community is the weekly school assembly.
Demokratische Schule


TING is a historical term for popular and court assemblies. Applied to the TING school, this means that the main pillar of the school community is the weekly school assembly.


Freie demokratische Schule Berlin e.V.
Berliner Allee 128
13088 Berlin



Tommy Weisbecker Haus (TWH)

Wohnkollektiv, Café, Verantaltungssaal — The Tommy Weisbecker Haus was founded in the 1970s as part of the extra-parliamentary opposition movement. In the 1970s, the young people of the Tommy House were part of a youth movement that became increasingly politicized and questioned the capitalist society in all areas. The house is named after Tommy Weisbecker, an organized anarchist who was shot dead by police officers exactly one year before the occupation. Many rooms in the building are available for all kinds of social and community projects: Café Linie 1 is a meeting place for the music underground scene in Berlin, an event hall where concerts, political events, film screenings and parties take place. Also at the TWH: sozialpädagogische sondermaßnahmen berlin e. V. ssb e.V. was founded in 1972 and has been working as a non-profit association in the areas of youth and social affairs ever since. The aim of the association was and is to create and maintain opportunities for self-determined living and working.
Wohnkollektiv, Café, Verantaltungssaal


The Tommy Weisbecker Haus was founded in the 1970s as part of the extra-parliamentary opposition movement. In the 1970s, the young people of the Tommy House were part of a youth movement that became increasingly politicized and questioned the capitalist society in all areas.

The house is named after Tommy Weisbecker, an organized anarchist who was shot dead by police officers exactly one year before the occupation.

Many rooms in the building are available for all kinds of social and community projects: Café Linie 1 is a meeting place for the music underground scene in Berlin, an event hall where concerts, political events, film screenings and parties take place.

Also at the TWH: sozialpädagogische sondermaßnahmen berlin e. V.
ssb e.V. was founded in 1972 and has been working as a non-profit association in the areas of youth and social affairs ever since. The aim of the association was and is to create and maintain opportunities for self-determined living and working.


Events, rooms, emergency overnight accommodation and primary care for youths without home


Wilhelmstr. 9
10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U-Bhf. Hallesches Tor)





Open: Th-Mo 18:00+
Wheelchair access: unlimited
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)
Phone: +49 30 2511164

TransInterQueer e.V. (TrIQ)

Social Center — TrIQ is a social center and self-advocacy organization by and for trans*, inter* and non-binary people. We are politically, culturally and scientifically committed to trans*, inter* and non-binary issues in Berlin and beyond.
Social Center


TrIQ is a social center and self-advocacy organization by and for trans*, inter* and non-binary people. We are politically, culturally and scientifically committed to trans*, inter* and non-binary issues in Berlin and beyond.


advice, information


Gürtelstraße 35
10247 Berlin





collectively organized café and bar — We consider „collectively organized“ as a way to create our daily work – daily cleaning, preparing the ‚Hermelin’, doing night shifts – as equal among the members as possible. By deciding every issue on consensus, we aim to establish a different life beyond common forms of work. Moreover we want to facilitate that idea among our guests and create a space where you can feel well without any kind of discrimination. We don`t accept racist, antisemitic, sexist or homophobic slogans or treatments. To make a move on someone who doesn`t agree is taboo: No means no! If anything attracts your attention or if you are concerned yourself: contact the barkeepers, who will support you! We consider ourselves as part of a leftist, unparliamentary infrastructure and donate our tip to emancipatory projects.
collectively organized café and bar


We consider „collectively organized“ as a way to create our daily work – daily cleaning, preparing the ‚Hermelin’, doing night shifts – as equal among the members as possible. By deciding every issue on consensus, we aim to establish a different life beyond common forms of work.
Moreover we want to facilitate that idea among our guests and create a space where you can feel well without any kind of discrimination. We don`t accept racist, antisemitic, sexist or homophobic slogans or treatments. To make a move on someone who doesn`t agree is taboo: No means no! If anything attracts your attention or if you are concerned yourself: contact the barkeepers, who will support you!
We consider ourselves as part of a leftist, unparliamentary infrastructure and donate our tip to emancipatory projects.


For any requests concerning our space, please contact us by writing to kultur@tristeza.org


Pannierstr. 5
12047 Berlin-Neukölln





Open: From Tuesday to Thursday and on Sunday: 6:00 PM – 1:30 AM. From Friday to Saturday: 6:00 PM – 4:00 AM.
Wheelchair access: limited (Eine flache Rampe führt in den Laden, aber der Keller ist nicht mit dem Rollstuhl zu erreichen. Die Toiletten sind zwar ebenerdig, aber der Weg ist eng, die Türen schwergängig und ohne Hilfe kommt niemand mit dem Rollstuhl auf das WC.)
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: unlimited)
Phone: +49 30 27497066


Tue, Oct 22 8:30 PM Flinta*only Kickern

Sat, Oct 26 8:00 PM "Aus dem wird nix" Soli und Release Party mit Jockel

Tue, Oct 29 8:30 PM Flinta*only Kickern

Tue, Nov 05 8:30 PM Flinta*only Kickern

Tue, Nov 12 8:30 PM Flinta*only Kickern

Thu, Nov 14 8:00 PM Open Mic @ Tristeza

Tue, Nov 19 8:30 PM Flinta*only Kickern

Tue, Nov 26 8:30 PM Flinta*only Kickern

Tue, Dec 03 8:30 PM Flinta*only Kickern

Tue, Dec 10 8:30 PM Flinta*only Kickern

Tuntenhaus (K86)

Wohnprojekt — LGBTIQ* house project with history. The first Tuntenhaus existed in the early 80s in Bülowstraße in Schöneberg. The second, legendary Tuntenhaus was occupied together with other houses in 1990 in Mainzer Straße in Friedrichshain. The documentary "Battle of Tuntenhaus" by u.s. director Juliet Bashore provides insight into the life of the house at that time. In November 1990, shortly after the so-called reunification, the FRG state power, on the orders of Berlin's mayor Momper (who betrayed us?-Social Democrats!), eradicated the hustle and bustle: in an eviction action lasting several days, combined with street battles, the short summer of anarchy was put to rest.
Prenzlauer Berg


LGBTIQ* house project with history.

The first Tuntenhaus existed in the early 80s in Bülowstraße in Schöneberg.

The second, legendary Tuntenhaus was occupied together with other houses in 1990 in Mainzer Straße in Friedrichshain. The documentary "Battle of Tuntenhaus" by u.s. director Juliet Bashore provides insight into the life of the house at that time. In November 1990, shortly after the so-called reunification, the FRG state power, on the orders of Berlin's mayor Momper (who betrayed us?-Social Democrats!), eradicated the hustle and bustle: in an eviction action lasting several days, combined with street battles, the short summer of anarchy was put to rest.


Kastanienalle 86, 2. HH
10435 Berlin
(U-Bhf. Eberswalder Strasse)




UBI KLiZ e.V. Mieterladen

Kommunikationstreff mit Beratungsangeboten. — The citizens' initiative was founded in November 1989 in Friedrichshain's Nordkiez district. From the very beginning, UBI KLiZ e. V. has focused on tenant and social counseling and anti-racism work. We work on a voluntary and independent basis in the association's "Mieterladen".
Kommunikationstreff mit Beratungsangeboten.


The citizens' initiative was founded in November 1989 in Friedrichshain's Nordkiez district. From the very beginning, UBI KLiZ e. V. has focused on tenant and social counseling and anti-racism work. We work on a voluntary and independent basis in the association's "Mieterladen".


Kreutzigerstr. 23
10247 Berlin-Friedrichshain
(U-Bhf. Samariterstraße)




Wheelchair access: unlimited

ufaFabrik Berlin

International Culture Center — For decades, the celluloid dreams produced on the grounds of the south Berlin UFA film lab were banned. The building was slated to be demolished in 1979, but was eventually saved in order to create the International Cultural Center ufaFabrik Berlin, the most unique work/life project in all of Europe. On its 18,566 square metres of land, 200 employees and around 30 residents work around the clock to bring harmony and meaning to issues such as housing, employment, cultural events, creativity, and other social areas of life. Various new and unconventional ideas have since been implemented including; ecological pilot projects, energy efficient buildings, innovative community concepts, and social networks for people of all ages, families, and neighbourhoods.
International Culture Center


For decades, the celluloid dreams produced on the grounds of the south Berlin UFA film lab were banned. The building was slated to be demolished in 1979, but was eventually saved in order to create the International Cultural Center ufaFabrik Berlin, the most unique work/life project in all of Europe. On its 18,566 square metres of land, 200 employees and around 30 residents work around the clock to bring harmony and meaning to issues such as housing, employment, cultural events, creativity, and other social areas of life.
Various new and unconventional ideas have since been implemented including; ecological pilot projects, energy efficient buildings, innovative community concepts, and social networks for people of all ages, families, and neighbourhoods.


Huge area, workshops, guest house


Viktoriastr. 10-18
12105 Berlin-Tempelhof
U6 Ullsteinstraße





Bildarchiv und Layoutgestaltung — The Umbruch image archive was founded in 1988. Committed photographers make their pictures available to the archive and use them for their own publications. Umbruch now houses more than 150,000 photos on social, cultural and political hotspots. This contemporary historical documentation is a good resource for creating publications of all kinds.
Bildarchiv und Layoutgestaltung


The Umbruch image archive was founded in 1988. Committed photographers make their pictures available to the archive and use them for their own publications. Umbruch now houses more than 150,000 photos on social, cultural and political hotspots. This contemporary historical documentation is a good resource for creating publications of all kinds.


Lausitzerstr. 10
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
(U Görlitzer Bahnhof)




Phone: +49 30 6123037

Umsonst- und Leihladen (Leila)

sharing store — Leila is Berlin's first rental store. Founded in 2010. Leila fills the themes of commons, common goods and community of goods with practical life. "Using things together" is the guiding principle. Sharing instead of social division is also important to us. Reusing instead of throwing away. Using instead of owning and hoarding. Leila is part of the giving and lending movement. Other keywords: allmende, open access, collaborative consumption, sustainable consumption style, sharing is caring, library for things, pool and inclusion, open participatory organization.
sharing store


Leila is Berlin's first rental store. Founded in 2010.

Leila fills the themes of commons, common goods and community of goods with practical life. "Using things together" is the guiding principle. Sharing instead of social division is also important to us. Reusing instead of throwing away. Using instead of owning and hoarding. Leila is part of the giving and lending movement.

Other keywords: allmende, open access, collaborative consumption, sustainable consumption style, sharing is caring, library for things, pool and inclusion, open participatory organization.


in the "Haus der Materialisierung" at Alexanderplatz, Karl-Marx-Allee 1
access via Berolinastraße




Bar, Café und Siebdruckwerkstatt — The Vétomat is our extended living room with an attached screen printing workshop, rooted in the heart of Friedrichshain since 2006. It is an alternative free space for art and culture creators looking for a place for self-realization and participation beyond commercial business.
Bar, Café und Siebdruckwerkstatt


The Vétomat is our extended living room with an attached screen printing workshop, rooted in the heart of Friedrichshain since 2006. It is an alternative free space for art and culture creators looking for a place for self-realization and participation beyond commercial business.


screen printing workshop


Wühlischstr. 42
10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain




Wheelchair access: no
Toilets: yes (Wheelchair access: no)


Wed, Oct 23 8:00 PM PöKü - Küche für alle!

Wagenburg Lohmühle

Wagenburg — Seit 1991 existiert die Wagenburg Lohmühle in Alt-Treptow. Einige Bauwagen- und LKWbewohnerInnen machten sich seinerzeit auf, um den ehemaligen Mauerstreifen im heutigen Schlesischen Busch zu besetzen. Als dieser zu einem Park umgestaltet wurde, rückten die WagenburgerInnen auf das Gelände neben der Lohmühlenstrasse. Das vorherige Niemandsland hatte nicht viel zu bieten: Die Grenzer hatten alles daran gesetzt, die Bezeichnung Todesstreifen auch auf jegliches wachsendes Grün zu beziehen. Doch niemand versinkt des Winters gerne im Schlamm oder mag es des Sommers den Staub einer vegetationslosen Brachfläche einzuatmen. So kam es zu ersten Anpflanzungen. Das Projekt Lohmühle entwickelte sich. Die ersten Toiletten wurden gebaut , Wege angelegt, Erde aufgeschüttet, es wurde gepflanzt, gegossen, gepflegt. Schließlich zimmerte man eine Bühne für Veranstaltungen mit dazugehörigem Tresen und angeschaffter Technik (siehe Terminkalender). Im Laufe der Jahre mauserte sich die Lohmühle zu einem anerkannten Kulturprojekt. Ein Projekt dass sich immer wieder erneuert und dessen Bedarf an Pflanzungen und Holzschrauben kontinuierlich steigt. Wir beziehen inzwischen den Bereich Ökologie in unser Kultur- und Lebensprojekt mit ein. So wird beispielsweise auf Braunkohle zum Heizen nach Möglichkeit verzichtet und unser Abwasser wird in eigenen Pflanzenkläranlagen entsorgt. Wir verzichten auf öffentliche Strom- und Wasseranbieter, um unsere Autonomie und die der Umwelt im Rahmen der Gegebenheiten zu bewahren. Unsere Gärten sind kleine Ökosysteme, die seltene Tierarten und Pflanzen beherbergen. Von den BewohnerInnen der ersten Stunde leben nicht mehr viele auf dem Platz. Aber die nachfolgenden Generationen hoffen, dass es ihnen gelungen ist und weiterhin gelingt, das Erbe der Gründer weiterzuträumen. Derzeit leben 17 Erwachsene, anderthalb Kinder und ein Dutzend Hunde und Katzen auf dem Areal. Seit einiger Zeit besteht mit dem Bezirk Treptow-Köpenick ein Vertrag, der unseren Verein Kulturbanausen e.V. als Verwalter des Grundstücks einsetzt. Dieses Abkommen ist leider auf fünf Jahre begrenzt und bedeutet keineswegs, dass wir nun weniger um Spekulanten fürchten müssen. Trotzdem hoffen wir, dass wir mit unserem urbanen Leben wegweisend sein können für andere Projekte und besonders für diejenigen, die über das Überleben dieser den Daumen heben oder senken. Getreu der komischen Berliner Idee unsere Stadt via Slogan nach außen zu präsentieren, sagen wir: Sei Bürger, sei Wagenbürger, sei Berlin. Freiräume für alle!


Seit 1991 existiert die Wagenburg Lohmühle in Alt-Treptow. Einige Bauwagen- und LKWbewohnerInnen machten sich seinerzeit auf, um den ehemaligen Mauerstreifen im heutigen Schlesischen Busch zu besetzen. Als dieser zu einem Park umgestaltet wurde, rückten die WagenburgerInnen auf das Gelände neben der Lohmühlenstrasse. Das vorherige Niemandsland hatte nicht viel zu bieten: Die Grenzer hatten alles daran gesetzt, die Bezeichnung Todesstreifen auch auf jegliches wachsendes Grün zu beziehen. Doch niemand versinkt des Winters gerne im Schlamm oder mag es des Sommers den Staub einer vegetationslosen Brachfläche einzuatmen. So kam es zu ersten Anpflanzungen. Das Projekt Lohmühle entwickelte sich. Die ersten Toiletten wurden gebaut , Wege angelegt, Erde aufgeschüttet, es wurde gepflanzt, gegossen, gepflegt. Schließlich zimmerte man eine Bühne für Veranstaltungen mit dazugehörigem Tresen und angeschaffter Technik (siehe Terminkalender). Im Laufe der Jahre mauserte sich die Lohmühle zu einem anerkannten Kulturprojekt. Ein Projekt dass sich immer wieder erneuert und dessen Bedarf an Pflanzungen und Holzschrauben kontinuierlich steigt. Wir beziehen inzwischen den Bereich Ökologie in unser Kultur- und Lebensprojekt mit ein. So wird beispielsweise auf Braunkohle zum Heizen nach Möglichkeit verzichtet und unser Abwasser wird in eigenen Pflanzenkläranlagen entsorgt. Wir verzichten auf öffentliche Strom- und Wasseranbieter, um unsere Autonomie und die der Umwelt im Rahmen der Gegebenheiten zu bewahren. Unsere Gärten sind kleine Ökosysteme, die seltene Tierarten und Pflanzen beherbergen. Von den BewohnerInnen der ersten Stunde leben nicht mehr viele auf dem Platz. Aber die nachfolgenden Generationen hoffen, dass es ihnen gelungen ist und weiterhin gelingt, das Erbe der Gründer weiterzuträumen. Derzeit leben 17 Erwachsene, anderthalb Kinder und ein Dutzend Hunde und Katzen auf dem Areal. Seit einiger Zeit besteht mit dem Bezirk Treptow-Köpenick ein Vertrag, der unseren Verein Kulturbanausen e.V. als Verwalter des Grundstücks einsetzt. Dieses Abkommen ist leider auf fünf Jahre begrenzt und bedeutet keineswegs, dass wir nun weniger um Spekulanten fürchten müssen. Trotzdem hoffen wir, dass wir mit unserem urbanen Leben wegweisend sein können für andere Projekte und besonders für diejenigen, die über das Überleben dieser den Daumen heben oder senken. Getreu der komischen Berliner Idee unsere Stadt via Slogan nach außen zu präsentieren, sagen wir: Sei Bürger, sei Wagenbürger, sei Berlin. Freiräume für alle!


Lohmühlenstr. 17
12435 Berlin-Alt-Treptow
(Görli Ostende)



Women in Exile & Friends

feminist refugee organization — Women in Exile is an initiative of refugee women founded in Brandenburg in 2002 by refugee women to fight for their rights. Our fundamental political goal is the utopia of a just society without exclusion and discrimination, with equal rights for all, irrespective of where they come from and where they go. In concrete policy terms we focus on abolishing all laws discriminatory to asylum seekers and migrants and on the interconnections of racism and sexism. We perceive ourselves as a feminist organization and are one of the few links between the women’s movement and the refugees’ movement. Women in Exile & Friends is active in Berlin and Brandenburg.
feminist refugee organization


Women in Exile is an initiative of refugee women founded in Brandenburg in 2002 by refugee women to fight for their rights.

Our fundamental political goal is the utopia of a just society without exclusion and discrimination, with equal rights for all, irrespective of where they come from and where they go. In concrete policy terms we focus on abolishing all laws discriminatory to asylum seekers and migrants and on the interconnections of racism and sexism. We perceive ourselves as a feminist organization and are one of the few links between the women’s movement and the refugees’ movement.

Women in Exile & Friends is active in Berlin and Brandenburg.


workshops, information, safer space for refugees

Zielona Gora

Bar/Café — Part of the house project Grünberger 73.


Part of the house project Grünberger 73.


Grünbergerstr. 73
10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain


see https://stressfaktor.squat.net/group/415 for dates


Open: at events
Wheelchair access: unlimited


Wed, Oct 23 6:00 PM Crypto Party

Thu, Oct 24 6:00 PM Politisches Café

Fri, Oct 25 8:00 PM Internationalistischer Abend

Sat, Oct 26 7:00 PM I.A-A.F. Soli Event

Thu, Oct 31 6:00 PM Politisches Café

Thu, Nov 07 6:00 PM Politisches Café

Thu, Nov 14 6:00 PM Politisches Café

Thu, Nov 21 6:00 PM Politisches Café

Thu, Nov 21 7:00 PM Politisches Café

Thu, Nov 28 6:00 PM Politisches Café